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Friday, November 30, 2012

Scott McConnell: Why Americans Do Not Understand Palestine

If a man from Mars descended to observe Israel’s attack on the Gaza strip, he would have seen one group of humans trapped in a densely populated area, largely defenseless while a modern air force destroyed their buildings at will. He might have learned that the people in Gaza had been essentially enclosed for several years in a sort of ghetto, deprived by the Israeli navy of access to the fish in their sea, generally unable to travel or to trade with the outside world, barred by Israeli forces from much of their arable land, all the while surveyed continuously from the sky by a foe which could assassinate their leaders at will and often did.
This Martian also might learn that the residents of Gaza—most of them descendants of refugees who had fled or been driven from Israel in 1948—had been under Israeli occupation for 46 years, and intensified closure for six, a policy described by Israeli officials as “economic warfare” and privately by American diplomats as intended to keep Gaza “functioning at the lowest level possible consistent with avoiding a humanitarian crisis.” He might note that Gaza’s water supply is failing, as Israel blocks the entry of materials that could be used to repair and upgrade its sewage and water-treatment infrastructure. That ten percent of its children suffer from malnutrition and that cancer and birth defects are on the rise. That the fighting had started after a long standing truce had broken down after a series of tit-for-tat incidents, followed by the Israeli assassination of an Hamas leader, and the typical Hamas response of firing inaccurate rockets, which do Israel little damage.
But our man from Mars is certainly not an American. And while empathy for the underdog is said to be an American trait, this is not true if the underdog is Palestinian.
Among the chief milestones of Washington’s reaction to Israel’s military campaign were: President Obama stated from Bangkok that America supported Israel’s right “to defend itself” and “no country on earth would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens” while national-security aide Benjamin Rhodes added “the reason there is a conflict in Gaza is because of the rocket fire that’s been launched at Israeli civilians indiscriminately for many months now.” Congress took time off from partisan wrangling about the fiscal cliff to pass unanimously two resolutions, in the Senate and House, expressing its “unwavering commitment to the security of the State of Israel” and backing its “inherent right to protect its citizens against acts of terrorism.” Its members could further inform themselves by attending a closed briefing by Israel’s ambassador Michael Oren on November 28, the only figure invited by the House Foreign Affairs Committee to testify.
As the fighting continued, Walter Russell Mead, a prominent political scientist, conveyed impatience with the just-war tradition seemed to inhibit Israeli air attacks, which by then had killed and wounded scores of people. Mead asserted that Americans would back an Israeli response of “unlimited ferocity.”
When Republican governor of Virginia Bob McDonnell, not known for his foreign-affairs opinions, issued a statement backing Israel’s response to “unwarranted and random violence,” he was assumed to be signaling his presidential aspirations. The polls seemed to back him up: Americans told pollsters they supported Israel’s actions against the Palestinians in Gaza by 57 percent to 25 percent, though the percentage of backers were somewhat lower among Democrats (41 percent), and the young (45 percent).
One explanation for such sentiments is that most Americans take foreign policy cues from political leaders, and no prominent American politician is willing to publicly express sympathy or compassion for Palestinians at the expense of Israel...
 PS:Scott McConnell is a founding editor of The American Conservative.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How Men Tackle Girls Who Talk Too Much

Many men insist that girls can't stop talking. How do they deal with it?

Just as men can't stop watching cricket - at least, some of them - many girls can't stop talking. Or, so say men. What do girls talk about? It could be about anything under the sun: that is, subjects such as cooking, knitting, problems with buddies or with domestic help and discussions on what to buy especially if it is unnecessary!

Dumb men twitch their eyebrows, thereby expressing their displeasure, and invite the ire of the opposite sex. But smart men use smart tactics.

Among them are:
Nod, nod, nod: Nodding to everything that a girl says is a cool device. It doesn't take much effort, and the 'nodder' can afford to be on some other planet - mentally - while the girl believes that he is with him all the time. Works, this one.

The odd 'yes' or 'no': Wake up every 15 minutes, and react to what the girl says. Just a 'yes' or 'no' is fine, as long as your usage of the monosyllable makes contextual sense. This is especially useful with girls who are wary of guys of the nod variety. In other words, when you answer, they are convinced that you aren't merely hearing, but actually listening.

Go to the washroom: The best device any man can use. See, if you interrupt a girl's monologue to make a telephone call, or switch on the television, she will get bugged with you. If you attempt to leave the place, you will stir a dormant volcano and the lava will hit you hard. But if you say, 'sorry, I need to go to the washroom', no reasonable girl will be annoyed. Once you go to the washroom, you can relax and read the comics pages of a newspaper. When you come out, you will be rejuvenated and ready to handle the second part of the monologue.

Just as many girls need to deal with men who can't stop watching TV, many guys need to live with girls who can't stop talking. But then, as they say very famously, every problem has a solution. Where there is a brain, there is a way. 

PS:Be A Smart Man ! :))

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Women reach orgasm more easily when their lover’s manhood exceeds 5.8 inches, study shows

Scottish psychologists studied the sexual appetites of 323 women and found that most reach orgasm more easily when their lover’s penis exceeds the average size of 5.8 inches.

Couple laying in bed.

'Male anxiety about penis size may not reflect internalized, culturally arbitrary masculine stereotypes but an accurate appreciation that size matters to many women,' says researcher.

Call it the battle of the bulge — it turns out size does matter in bed.
Scottish psychologists studied the sexual appetites of 323 women and found that most reach orgasm more easily when their lover’s manhood exceeds the average size of 5.8 inches.
“This might be due . . . to greater ability of a longer penis to stimulate the entire length of the vagina and the cervix,” researcher Stuart Brody, a psychologist at the University of West Scotland, told the website Live Science. Brody said the research showed that women who had sex with well-endowed partners had the most vaginal orgasms.
He added, “Male anxiety about penis size may not reflect internalized, culturally arbitrary masculine stereotypes but an accurate appreciation that size matters to many women.”

Friday, November 9, 2012

Have Malaysian Malls Given Deepavali A Miss ??

KUALA LUMPUR: With Deepavali just around the corner, one would expect to see shopping malls in the city decked in various decorations to welcome the Festival of Lights.
However, it would appear that one of the most important festivals of the Hindu calendar has been given a pass by most major malls within the Klang Valley.
Checks by Malaysian Digest suggested that the extent of the decorations displayed, if any, were nowhere near those which were put up to welcome other national-level festivals such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Chinese New Year, despite Deepavali falling next Tuesday.
At Suria KLCC, which usually displays a huge diorama during Hari Raya, Chinese New Year and Christmas, there was only had a small-sized kolam located in front of its main entrance to welcome Deepavali.
The Calvin Klein product promotion at the concourse area of Suria KLCC.The Calvin Klein product promotion at the concourse area of Suria KLCC.Its main concourse area was ‘monopolised’ by a Calvin Klein product promotion.
Meanwhile, over at Pavilion KL, its concourse was dominated by a Samsung product promotion. Inside the mall, only minor decorations were erected such as a peacock-shaped mini-kolam at one of its entrances and several yellow-coloured buntings on its corridor pillars to wish Hindus a happy Deepavali celebration.
The decorations were better at Berjaya Times Square where there is a huge kolam erected in front of its main entrance.
As for its concourse area, there were renovation works being carried out to set up a stage for an upcoming Christmas musical.
The Samsung product promotion at Pavilion KL's concourse area.The Samsung product promotion at Pavilion KL's concourse area.Meanwhile, at One Utama Shopping Centre in Bandar Utama, there were no signs of any decoration to signify the coming of the Hindu celebration. The concourse area at the mall’s new wing appeared devoid of any Deepavali decoration.
At Sunway Pyramid, the only Deepavali decorations in place were coloured lights set up outside the mall, a small kolam located in front of one of the entrances and flowers lined up along one of the mall’s corridors.
The issue of lax Deepavali decorations was first raised by Hulu Selangor MP, P. Kamalanathan, in his Twitter on Monday. Attached with a photo of the Suria KLCC concourse, he tweeted from his handle @Pkamalanathan: "Instead of Deepavali Decorations @SuriaKLCCMall have decided to do something else - Very irresponsible. Why?"
Some flowers adorning the corridors of Sunway Pyramid.Some flowers adorning the corridors of Sunway Pyramid.His tweet garnered some feedback from the Indian community who expressed regret over the ‘ignorance’ of shopping malls which did not promote the celebration.
When contacted later, Kamalanathan questioned why decorations for the festivals of other religions were far merrier than those of Deepavali.
"I hope all shopping complexes as well as companies will make a better initiative to ensure that Deepavali decorations are at least on par with those of other national-level festivals.
"It is the responsibility of the malls' management to showcase the different cultures and ethnicities there are in this country," he told Malaysian Digest.
The huge kolam located at the entrance of Berjaya Times Square.The huge kolam located at the entrance of Berjaya Times Square.Meanwhile, Kota Alam Shah assemblyman, M. Manoharan said every mall should have Deepavali decorations at this point, no matter how small.
"We need to give Deepavali the same treatment and promotion as other festivals," said the DAP party member when contacted.
Deepavali, a five-day festival which starts on the 13th day of the Hindu calendar, is celebrated worldwide and is a public holiday in Malaysia.
In the Gregorian calendar, Deepavali falls between mid-October and mid-November.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Jika anda seorang penerbit , anda perlu memujuk tuan punya pawagam untuk mendapatkan tarikh tayangan filem anda dan paling teruk anda kena promote filem anda dengan bajet anda sendiri dan bila dapat hasil kutipan tiket , anda kena berkongsi 50% dengan tuan punya pawagam .. semua kos yang lain seperti MARKETING dan PROMO ,Penerbit saja yang tanggung .. Tauke Panggung Wayang langsung tak ambil PORT .

Industri filem dan industri kreatif adalah amat penting untuk menjana ekonomi untuk menjadi Malaysia sebaga

i negara maju . Negara Korea , Thailand dan Filipina telah melonjak sebagai pengeluar pengisisan kreatif yang sungguh advance tapi di mana Malaysia..

Masalah pawagam adalah salah satu masaalah yang kritikal untuk kejayaan Industri Kreatif Malaysia...

Kerajaan telah allocate Rm 250 jura untuk industri kreatif ni .. Dimana bajet ini di belanja ??? Kenapa tak guna kan sedikit bajet ini untuk menubuhkan pawagam /Panggung Nasional 1Malaysia????

Setakat ini TIDAK ADA LANGSUNG INISIATIF untuk menubuhkan pawagam yang bukan kepunyaan TAUKE PAWAGAM tapi pawagam yang kepunyaan oleh rakyat Malaysia am nya dan Industri Kreatif tempatan khas nya ..kita ada muzium negara , kita ada galeri negara , kita ada istana budaya tapi kenapa kit tak ada panggung nasional dimana semua pemain dan penggiat pengisian kreatif boleh mempamerkan hasil kreatif mereka dan plaform ini boleh MONETIZE creative contents without sharing with the cinema operator .. Ini juga boleh menggalakan Industri SHORT FILM tempatan berkembang dengan pesat .

Kita juga mesti ingat dengan berjaya nya Malaysian CREATIVE CONTENTS in world market , ini akan menyenangkan produk produk tempatan kita mempunyai BRANDING yang amat KUAT .. lihat Samsung dan KIA bagaiamana branding ini berjaya di pasaran dunia di sebabkan K POP dan FILEM KOREA yang berjaya menembus di pasaran dunia.. so it all starts with branding and propoganda for our products and lifestyle ...

Oleh itu kami mengajak kawan kawan dan aktivis aktivis media baru termasuk sosial media untuk menyokong cadangan menubuhkan PANGGUNG /PAWAGAM NASIONAL di seluruh Malaysia .

Kami berharap dengan ada nya inisiatif kerajaan Malaysia untuk menubuhkan PAWAGAM NASIONAL , kita boleh membawa pengisian kreatif tempatan ke persada dunia .. dan seterusnya memberi BRANDING MALAYSIA yang amat kuat !!!...Insyallah

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How much education does an entrepreneur need ??

How much education does an entrepreneur need?

Richard Branson has spoken to Fox Business about the importance of entrepreneurs getting out there and doing it, instead of heading off to business school.
In his interview the Virgin Group Founder urged young business minds to spend their money wisely when starting out: “I’m not so sure it makes any sense for people to spend three or four years of their life going through business school. The money that is spent doing that could be used to start a business and get out there in the real world.
“Living in the jungle and learning to survive is so very important, you’ll learn so much more than you would going to business school. The most successful people that I know didn’t go to business school.”
Branson then touched upon the introduction of Start Up Loans, a scheme which he and Virgin Media Pioneers have campaigned to be introduced in Britain as a way of supporting young entrepreneurs.
"If you’re looking to become an entrepreneur then don’t waste your time going to university or business school – just get on and do it.”
“I’ve just managed to persuade the British government to allow students who don’t want to go to university to take their university grant and put it towards a business. I suspect they will learn a lot by using that money to start a business, if they’re successful then that’s four years that would have been wasted in business school,” explained Branson.
“If they fail then they’ll have still learnt a lot more than in business school, in some ways you learn more by trying something and failing than you do in succeeding.”
Branson was also quick to note the importance of university education, paying tribute to the fact that recent employment figures show that graduates are significantly more likely to find themselves a job than those without higher education. Although he was keen to point out that it's not always the smart choice.
“If you’re looking for an insurance policy then go to university, because in all honesty you’re more likely to get a job. However if you’re looking to become an entrepreneur then I would say don’t waste your time going to university or business school – just get on and do it.”
Are you an entrepreneur? What education have you had? Get involved in the debate, we’d love to know.

Monday, November 5, 2012

SMEs urged to build a broader brand portfolio

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are urged to move from the usual focus on building businesses to a broader branding concept in order to grow further.
The Small & Medium Industries (SMI) Association of Malaysia national president Teh Kee Sin said many SMEs today find it difficult to gain entry into certain markets.
"This might be because their products are still weak in terms of packaging and branding, which would unfairly reflect on the quality of the products," Teh said after the Media Prima Bhd (MPB) luncheon with SMI Association of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur.
Also present at the luncheon were MPB chairman Datuk Johan Jaafar, MPB group managing director Datuk Amrin Awaluddin and New Straits Times Press group managing editor Abdul Jalil Hamid.
Teh said SMEs are expected to play an increasingly important role for the country to make the quantum leap in its development.
"We hope we can remake the SMEs, so that the sector can contribute more to the growth of the country's gross domestic product (GDP)," he said.
By 2020, Teh said, SMEs are expected to contribute 42 per cent to the country's growth.
"This is in line with the new economic model to boost SMEs' share in the GDP to develop Malaysia into a high-income nation."
Currently, SMEs' contribution to the country's GDP is at 32 per cent.
Commenting on the collaboration with MPB, Teh said the company will use MPB as a platform to boost the industry by promoting SMEs through MPB's media channels.
"We hope we can uplift the qualities of SMEs to move them up in line with the government's call for the transformation," he said.
Source: Business Times