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Friday, November 30, 2012

Scott McConnell: Why Americans Do Not Understand Palestine

If a man from Mars descended to observe Israel’s attack on the Gaza strip, he would have seen one group of humans trapped in a densely populated area, largely defenseless while a modern air force destroyed their buildings at will. He might have learned that the people in Gaza had been essentially enclosed for several years in a sort of ghetto, deprived by the Israeli navy of access to the fish in their sea, generally unable to travel or to trade with the outside world, barred by Israeli forces from much of their arable land, all the while surveyed continuously from the sky by a foe which could assassinate their leaders at will and often did.
This Martian also might learn that the residents of Gaza—most of them descendants of refugees who had fled or been driven from Israel in 1948—had been under Israeli occupation for 46 years, and intensified closure for six, a policy described by Israeli officials as “economic warfare” and privately by American diplomats as intended to keep Gaza “functioning at the lowest level possible consistent with avoiding a humanitarian crisis.” He might note that Gaza’s water supply is failing, as Israel blocks the entry of materials that could be used to repair and upgrade its sewage and water-treatment infrastructure. That ten percent of its children suffer from malnutrition and that cancer and birth defects are on the rise. That the fighting had started after a long standing truce had broken down after a series of tit-for-tat incidents, followed by the Israeli assassination of an Hamas leader, and the typical Hamas response of firing inaccurate rockets, which do Israel little damage.
But our man from Mars is certainly not an American. And while empathy for the underdog is said to be an American trait, this is not true if the underdog is Palestinian.
Among the chief milestones of Washington’s reaction to Israel’s military campaign were: President Obama stated from Bangkok that America supported Israel’s right “to defend itself” and “no country on earth would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens” while national-security aide Benjamin Rhodes added “the reason there is a conflict in Gaza is because of the rocket fire that’s been launched at Israeli civilians indiscriminately for many months now.” Congress took time off from partisan wrangling about the fiscal cliff to pass unanimously two resolutions, in the Senate and House, expressing its “unwavering commitment to the security of the State of Israel” and backing its “inherent right to protect its citizens against acts of terrorism.” Its members could further inform themselves by attending a closed briefing by Israel’s ambassador Michael Oren on November 28, the only figure invited by the House Foreign Affairs Committee to testify.
As the fighting continued, Walter Russell Mead, a prominent political scientist, conveyed impatience with the just-war tradition seemed to inhibit Israeli air attacks, which by then had killed and wounded scores of people. Mead asserted that Americans would back an Israeli response of “unlimited ferocity.”
When Republican governor of Virginia Bob McDonnell, not known for his foreign-affairs opinions, issued a statement backing Israel’s response to “unwarranted and random violence,” he was assumed to be signaling his presidential aspirations. The polls seemed to back him up: Americans told pollsters they supported Israel’s actions against the Palestinians in Gaza by 57 percent to 25 percent, though the percentage of backers were somewhat lower among Democrats (41 percent), and the young (45 percent).
One explanation for such sentiments is that most Americans take foreign policy cues from political leaders, and no prominent American politician is willing to publicly express sympathy or compassion for Palestinians at the expense of Israel...
 PS:Scott McConnell is a founding editor of The American Conservative.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How Men Tackle Girls Who Talk Too Much

Many men insist that girls can't stop talking. How do they deal with it?

Just as men can't stop watching cricket - at least, some of them - many girls can't stop talking. Or, so say men. What do girls talk about? It could be about anything under the sun: that is, subjects such as cooking, knitting, problems with buddies or with domestic help and discussions on what to buy especially if it is unnecessary!

Dumb men twitch their eyebrows, thereby expressing their displeasure, and invite the ire of the opposite sex. But smart men use smart tactics.

Among them are:
Nod, nod, nod: Nodding to everything that a girl says is a cool device. It doesn't take much effort, and the 'nodder' can afford to be on some other planet - mentally - while the girl believes that he is with him all the time. Works, this one.

The odd 'yes' or 'no': Wake up every 15 minutes, and react to what the girl says. Just a 'yes' or 'no' is fine, as long as your usage of the monosyllable makes contextual sense. This is especially useful with girls who are wary of guys of the nod variety. In other words, when you answer, they are convinced that you aren't merely hearing, but actually listening.

Go to the washroom: The best device any man can use. See, if you interrupt a girl's monologue to make a telephone call, or switch on the television, she will get bugged with you. If you attempt to leave the place, you will stir a dormant volcano and the lava will hit you hard. But if you say, 'sorry, I need to go to the washroom', no reasonable girl will be annoyed. Once you go to the washroom, you can relax and read the comics pages of a newspaper. When you come out, you will be rejuvenated and ready to handle the second part of the monologue.

Just as many girls need to deal with men who can't stop watching TV, many guys need to live with girls who can't stop talking. But then, as they say very famously, every problem has a solution. Where there is a brain, there is a way. 

PS:Be A Smart Man ! :))

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Women reach orgasm more easily when their lover’s manhood exceeds 5.8 inches, study shows

Scottish psychologists studied the sexual appetites of 323 women and found that most reach orgasm more easily when their lover’s penis exceeds the average size of 5.8 inches.

Couple laying in bed.

'Male anxiety about penis size may not reflect internalized, culturally arbitrary masculine stereotypes but an accurate appreciation that size matters to many women,' says researcher.

Call it the battle of the bulge — it turns out size does matter in bed.
Scottish psychologists studied the sexual appetites of 323 women and found that most reach orgasm more easily when their lover’s manhood exceeds the average size of 5.8 inches.
“This might be due . . . to greater ability of a longer penis to stimulate the entire length of the vagina and the cervix,” researcher Stuart Brody, a psychologist at the University of West Scotland, told the website Live Science. Brody said the research showed that women who had sex with well-endowed partners had the most vaginal orgasms.
He added, “Male anxiety about penis size may not reflect internalized, culturally arbitrary masculine stereotypes but an accurate appreciation that size matters to many women.”

Friday, November 9, 2012

Have Malaysian Malls Given Deepavali A Miss ??

KUALA LUMPUR: With Deepavali just around the corner, one would expect to see shopping malls in the city decked in various decorations to welcome the Festival of Lights.
However, it would appear that one of the most important festivals of the Hindu calendar has been given a pass by most major malls within the Klang Valley.
Checks by Malaysian Digest suggested that the extent of the decorations displayed, if any, were nowhere near those which were put up to welcome other national-level festivals such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Chinese New Year, despite Deepavali falling next Tuesday.
At Suria KLCC, which usually displays a huge diorama during Hari Raya, Chinese New Year and Christmas, there was only had a small-sized kolam located in front of its main entrance to welcome Deepavali.
The Calvin Klein product promotion at the concourse area of Suria KLCC.The Calvin Klein product promotion at the concourse area of Suria KLCC.Its main concourse area was ‘monopolised’ by a Calvin Klein product promotion.
Meanwhile, over at Pavilion KL, its concourse was dominated by a Samsung product promotion. Inside the mall, only minor decorations were erected such as a peacock-shaped mini-kolam at one of its entrances and several yellow-coloured buntings on its corridor pillars to wish Hindus a happy Deepavali celebration.
The decorations were better at Berjaya Times Square where there is a huge kolam erected in front of its main entrance.
As for its concourse area, there were renovation works being carried out to set up a stage for an upcoming Christmas musical.
The Samsung product promotion at Pavilion KL's concourse area.The Samsung product promotion at Pavilion KL's concourse area.Meanwhile, at One Utama Shopping Centre in Bandar Utama, there were no signs of any decoration to signify the coming of the Hindu celebration. The concourse area at the mall’s new wing appeared devoid of any Deepavali decoration.
At Sunway Pyramid, the only Deepavali decorations in place were coloured lights set up outside the mall, a small kolam located in front of one of the entrances and flowers lined up along one of the mall’s corridors.
The issue of lax Deepavali decorations was first raised by Hulu Selangor MP, P. Kamalanathan, in his Twitter on Monday. Attached with a photo of the Suria KLCC concourse, he tweeted from his handle @Pkamalanathan: "Instead of Deepavali Decorations @SuriaKLCCMall have decided to do something else - Very irresponsible. Why?"
Some flowers adorning the corridors of Sunway Pyramid.Some flowers adorning the corridors of Sunway Pyramid.His tweet garnered some feedback from the Indian community who expressed regret over the ‘ignorance’ of shopping malls which did not promote the celebration.
When contacted later, Kamalanathan questioned why decorations for the festivals of other religions were far merrier than those of Deepavali.
"I hope all shopping complexes as well as companies will make a better initiative to ensure that Deepavali decorations are at least on par with those of other national-level festivals.
"It is the responsibility of the malls' management to showcase the different cultures and ethnicities there are in this country," he told Malaysian Digest.
The huge kolam located at the entrance of Berjaya Times Square.The huge kolam located at the entrance of Berjaya Times Square.Meanwhile, Kota Alam Shah assemblyman, M. Manoharan said every mall should have Deepavali decorations at this point, no matter how small.
"We need to give Deepavali the same treatment and promotion as other festivals," said the DAP party member when contacted.
Deepavali, a five-day festival which starts on the 13th day of the Hindu calendar, is celebrated worldwide and is a public holiday in Malaysia.
In the Gregorian calendar, Deepavali falls between mid-October and mid-November.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Jika anda seorang penerbit , anda perlu memujuk tuan punya pawagam untuk mendapatkan tarikh tayangan filem anda dan paling teruk anda kena promote filem anda dengan bajet anda sendiri dan bila dapat hasil kutipan tiket , anda kena berkongsi 50% dengan tuan punya pawagam .. semua kos yang lain seperti MARKETING dan PROMO ,Penerbit saja yang tanggung .. Tauke Panggung Wayang langsung tak ambil PORT .

Industri filem dan industri kreatif adalah amat penting untuk menjana ekonomi untuk menjadi Malaysia sebaga

i negara maju . Negara Korea , Thailand dan Filipina telah melonjak sebagai pengeluar pengisisan kreatif yang sungguh advance tapi di mana Malaysia..

Masalah pawagam adalah salah satu masaalah yang kritikal untuk kejayaan Industri Kreatif Malaysia...

Kerajaan telah allocate Rm 250 jura untuk industri kreatif ni .. Dimana bajet ini di belanja ??? Kenapa tak guna kan sedikit bajet ini untuk menubuhkan pawagam /Panggung Nasional 1Malaysia????

Setakat ini TIDAK ADA LANGSUNG INISIATIF untuk menubuhkan pawagam yang bukan kepunyaan TAUKE PAWAGAM tapi pawagam yang kepunyaan oleh rakyat Malaysia am nya dan Industri Kreatif tempatan khas nya ..kita ada muzium negara , kita ada galeri negara , kita ada istana budaya tapi kenapa kit tak ada panggung nasional dimana semua pemain dan penggiat pengisian kreatif boleh mempamerkan hasil kreatif mereka dan plaform ini boleh MONETIZE creative contents without sharing with the cinema operator .. Ini juga boleh menggalakan Industri SHORT FILM tempatan berkembang dengan pesat .

Kita juga mesti ingat dengan berjaya nya Malaysian CREATIVE CONTENTS in world market , ini akan menyenangkan produk produk tempatan kita mempunyai BRANDING yang amat KUAT .. lihat Samsung dan KIA bagaiamana branding ini berjaya di pasaran dunia di sebabkan K POP dan FILEM KOREA yang berjaya menembus di pasaran dunia.. so it all starts with branding and propoganda for our products and lifestyle ...

Oleh itu kami mengajak kawan kawan dan aktivis aktivis media baru termasuk sosial media untuk menyokong cadangan menubuhkan PANGGUNG /PAWAGAM NASIONAL di seluruh Malaysia .

Kami berharap dengan ada nya inisiatif kerajaan Malaysia untuk menubuhkan PAWAGAM NASIONAL , kita boleh membawa pengisian kreatif tempatan ke persada dunia .. dan seterusnya memberi BRANDING MALAYSIA yang amat kuat !!!...Insyallah

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How much education does an entrepreneur need ??

How much education does an entrepreneur need?

Richard Branson has spoken to Fox Business about the importance of entrepreneurs getting out there and doing it, instead of heading off to business school.
In his interview the Virgin Group Founder urged young business minds to spend their money wisely when starting out: “I’m not so sure it makes any sense for people to spend three or four years of their life going through business school. The money that is spent doing that could be used to start a business and get out there in the real world.
“Living in the jungle and learning to survive is so very important, you’ll learn so much more than you would going to business school. The most successful people that I know didn’t go to business school.”
Branson then touched upon the introduction of Start Up Loans, a scheme which he and Virgin Media Pioneers have campaigned to be introduced in Britain as a way of supporting young entrepreneurs.
"If you’re looking to become an entrepreneur then don’t waste your time going to university or business school – just get on and do it.”
“I’ve just managed to persuade the British government to allow students who don’t want to go to university to take their university grant and put it towards a business. I suspect they will learn a lot by using that money to start a business, if they’re successful then that’s four years that would have been wasted in business school,” explained Branson.
“If they fail then they’ll have still learnt a lot more than in business school, in some ways you learn more by trying something and failing than you do in succeeding.”
Branson was also quick to note the importance of university education, paying tribute to the fact that recent employment figures show that graduates are significantly more likely to find themselves a job than those without higher education. Although he was keen to point out that it's not always the smart choice.
“If you’re looking for an insurance policy then go to university, because in all honesty you’re more likely to get a job. However if you’re looking to become an entrepreneur then I would say don’t waste your time going to university or business school – just get on and do it.”
Are you an entrepreneur? What education have you had? Get involved in the debate, we’d love to know.

Monday, November 5, 2012

SMEs urged to build a broader brand portfolio

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are urged to move from the usual focus on building businesses to a broader branding concept in order to grow further.
The Small & Medium Industries (SMI) Association of Malaysia national president Teh Kee Sin said many SMEs today find it difficult to gain entry into certain markets.
"This might be because their products are still weak in terms of packaging and branding, which would unfairly reflect on the quality of the products," Teh said after the Media Prima Bhd (MPB) luncheon with SMI Association of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur.
Also present at the luncheon were MPB chairman Datuk Johan Jaafar, MPB group managing director Datuk Amrin Awaluddin and New Straits Times Press group managing editor Abdul Jalil Hamid.
Teh said SMEs are expected to play an increasingly important role for the country to make the quantum leap in its development.
"We hope we can remake the SMEs, so that the sector can contribute more to the growth of the country's gross domestic product (GDP)," he said.
By 2020, Teh said, SMEs are expected to contribute 42 per cent to the country's growth.
"This is in line with the new economic model to boost SMEs' share in the GDP to develop Malaysia into a high-income nation."
Currently, SMEs' contribution to the country's GDP is at 32 per cent.
Commenting on the collaboration with MPB, Teh said the company will use MPB as a platform to boost the industry by promoting SMEs through MPB's media channels.
"We hope we can uplift the qualities of SMEs to move them up in line with the government's call for the transformation," he said.
Source: Business Times

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Best Congress AIPAC Can Buy

The headline above and text below is by Philip Giraldi, a former CIA coutner-terrosim chief with 27 years service. This, his latest article, is on the blog Wake Up Americans! Your Government is Hijacked by Zionism. Its stated purpose is “to chart the influence of the powerful Israeli Lobby in American domestic and foreign policy, public life and the election process, and American military interventions overseas since the end of World War II.”

As those familiar with my work (blog and book) know, I insist on giving the lobby its proper name – Zionist not Israeli or Israel lobby – and I don’t blame this lobby for exercising its awesome influence. As I put it in Waiting for the Apocalypse, the Prologue to Volume One of Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews: “The Zionists were and are only playing the Game of Nations, ruthlessly to be sure, by The System’s own rules. I blame most of an American decision-making process which, because of the way election campaigns are funded and conducted, was, and still is, so open to abuse and manipulation by powerful vested interests as to be in some very important respects undemocratic.” I have said on public platforms in America that the Zionist lobby has hi-jacked what passes for democracy there, but I always added that it could not have happened without the complicity of America’s pork-barrel politicians, Democrats especially.
Philip Giraldi’s article below is an analysis of a very recent initiative by the Zionist lobby to make sure that it has enough influence in Congress to prevent President Obama doing in Israel-Palestine what he knows to be right and in America’s own best interests. It’s my view that in a different America those members of Congress who allow the Zionist lobby to pull their strings would be charged with treason. When I can make direct contact with Philip Giraldi, I’ll ask him if he shares that view.
Many Americans who thought that the health care debate was important must have wondered where their congressmen were in early August during the first two weeks of the House of Representatives recess.  It turns out they were not hosting town hall meetings or listening to constituents because many of them were in Israel together with their spouses on a trip paid for by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).  Fully 13% of the entire US House of Representatives, 56 members, traveled to Israel in the largest AIPAC-sponsored fact-finding visit by American politicians ever conducted.  And the leaders of the two congressional groups, 25 Republicans for a week starting on August 2nd followed by 31 Democrats beginning on August 13th, were drawn from the top ranks of their respective parties.  House Minority whip Eric Cantor headed the Republican group and House Majority leader Steny Hoyer led the Democrats.
Cantor and Hoyer are longtime enthusiasts for Israel and all its works.  In January, when Israel was pounding Gaza to rubble and killing over a thousand civilians, Hoyer and Cantor wrote an op-ed entitled “A Defensive War,” which began with “During this difficult war in the Gaza Strip, we stand with Israel.”  Why?  Because “Instead of building roads, bridges, schools and industry, Hamas and other terrorists wasted millions turning Gaza into an armory.” Hoyer and Cantor, clearly noticing a militarization of the Gaza Strip that no else quite picked up on, also affirmed that Israel occupied the moral high ground in the conflict, “While Israel targets military combatants, Hamas aims to kill as many civilians as possible.”  That Hoyer and Cantor were completely wrong on this vital point as well as others, in fact reversing the truth, has never resulted in an apology or a correction of the record from either lawmaker.
And there’s more.  In May 2009, Cantor and Hoyer teamed up again in a congressional letter sent to their colleagues in congress.  The message described how Washington must be “both a trusted mediator and a devoted friend to Israel” because “Israel will be taking the greatest risks in any peace agreement.”  AIPAC couldn’t have put it better.  In fact, AIPAC wrote the missive since Cantor and Hoyer apparently needed a little help to get the message just right. The actual source of the letter was revealed when the document was circulated with the file name “AIPAC Letter Hoyer Cantor May 2009.pdf,” which the intrepid congressional duo had failed to change before sending out.
The August congressional junkets were paid for by the American Israel Education Foundation, which is a non-profit foundation that is part of AIPAC.  The non-profit foundation part means that the trip to convince already acquiescent congressmen that Israel needs more aid and special treatment was more-or-less subsidized by the US taxpayer.  Taking congressmen to Israel to make sure they understand the issues properly is not exactly new, but the scale and seniority of the recent visits sent a clear message to President Barack Obama that he should not pressure Israel in any way or he will face bipartisan opposition, opposition that he will not be able to overcome.  It appears that Obama might have already received the message loud and clear if the rumors that he will harden his line on Iran and soften his approach to Tel Aviv to permit Israeli settlement expansion are true.
The current Israeli government line as regurgitated by AIPAC is an attempt, aided and abetted by the congressional visitors, to shift the narrative.  According to AIPAC and Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, the settlements have nothing to do with the issue of negotiating peace so Israel should be able to continue to expand its occupation of Arab East Jerusalem without any restraint while permitting “natural growth” in the other West Bank settlements.  Israel claims to be willing to talk peace with the Palestinians while decrying that there is no one to talk to. Tel Aviv and its cheerleaders in Washington insist that the real threat to peace in the Middle East is Iran, which is seeking a nuclear weapon and will use it to bomb Israel and arm terrorists to attack the United States.
Eric Cantor was fully on-message, prepping his group by writing an op-ed for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz on August 3rd.  He wrote that “Israel is not only a democratic ally and our only true friend in the Middle East; it is also a vital pillar of US national security strategy…Israel has a right to accommodate the natural growth of its population…excessive handwringing over natural growth is a diversion from the main threat in the Middle East:  Iran.”  If the line sounds familiar, it should as it is straight out of Israel and AIPAC’s playbook garnished with its ridiculous pretense that Israel is some kind of strategic asset and an eternal friend.
Cantor and Hoyer’s lawmaker colleagues apparently benefited greatly from their travels, which included a visit to the illegal West Bank settlement of Alfei Menashe to express solidarity with the heroic and widely misunderstood Israeli settlers.  According to Cantor there should not be any confusion about who is doing what to whom in the Middle East.  In describing the purpose of the trip, he noted that his Republican colleagues were eager to learn about “…the challenges on the ground in the Middle East, especially those challenges faced by Israel.”  He then returned to his script, describing the situation in more detail and expressing his concern about the “…focus being placed on settlements and settlement growth when the real threat is the existential threat that Israel faces from Iran and the impending nuclearization of Iran.”
During the trip itself, Cantor could hardly shut up about how much he loves Israel and its policies, no matter what those policies are.  When two Arab families were evicted from their homes in Jerusalem, resulting in a worldwide protest that included criticism from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Cantor discovered another way to look at the situation.  He complained about Clinton, “I’m very troubled by that, because I don’t think we in America would want another country telling us how to implement and execute our laws.”
Cantor’s travelmates evidently agreed with his rosy view of all things Israeli.  Steve Scalise marveled at “all the things that the people of Israel have been through,” while Louie Gohmert pressed Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad for a commitment to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, apparently oblivious to the fact that the status of a Muslim or a Christian in a Jewish state would be somewhat precarious.  Leonard Lance called for working together against Iran while Mike Coffman noted that the Obama Administration failed to comprehend “the magnitude of this threat of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons.”  Perhaps Coffman and Lance should read some of the intelligence that the US government produces at great expense which reveals that Iran has no nuclear weapons program.
Congressman Pete Olson reported that he had known in “his head” how important the relationship with Israel was and, after three days, knew it also in his heart.  Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who has been to Israel seven times and is the author of numerous pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian resolutions in the House, called Israel “our US ally against the violent extremists” and twittered to her constituents a gushing account of her “amazing dinner with soldiers of the Israeli Defense Forces.  Courageous young men…”
Hoyer, who has been to Israel a dozen times, led the cheerleading for the Democrats.  The House Majority leader contradicted his own party’s president in finding that the settlements were not a “big issue” hindering a peace agreement, noting that they should be a “subject of negotiations.”  The real problem for Hoyer was completely predictably the Palestinians, specifically the “unwillingness of Abbas to sit down now.”  Hoyer also declared Jerusalem to be a “unified city” under Israeli control and reiterated Congressman’s Gohmert’s demand that the Palestinians recognized Israel as a Jewish State, neither of which is US policy.  Shelly Berkley, who has never met an Israeli she didn’t like, put it more bluntly, “The goals of this trip are to express Congress’s solidarity with the State of Israel and to find out what Israel’s needs are.”  Representative Kendrick Meek welcomed his opportunity to visit Israel to help him “make better decisions as a member of congress.”
President George Washington counseled explicitly against getting involved in the quarrels of foreign nations.  What would he think of Hoyer and Cantor and the drones that followed them to Israel on a “fact finding” trip paid for by the Israel Lobby?  Words like “disloyalty” come to mind immediately, but the AIPAC trips targeting congress are signs of a deeper problem.  Many congressmen undoubtedly display knee-jerk support for Israel either because it is career enhancing or because they are afraid not to.  Those who truly believe that Israel’s interests are of paramount importance and that the United States ought to go to war on its behalf should perhaps find another line of work.  If they retain even a shred of decency and love of country, it is time for Cantor, Hoyer and others like them to go away.  They should leave quietly but do so quickly.  The well-being of the United States and its citizens demands it.

West Bank : Olive Trees

UN: In 2012, over 7,500 olive trees belonging to West Bank Palestinians have been damaged or destroyed by Israeli settlers
Oct 16, 2012 10:24 am | Adam Horowitz

Today, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs released a fact sheet on the Palestinian Olive Harvest, which typically takes place in October and November. The olive harvest is also a period of increased settler violen
ce and intimidation against Palestinians trying to access their land.
Here is a summary from the the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:
Nearly half (48%) of the agricultural land in the oPt is planted with 8 million olive trees; the vast majority are in the West Bank.
The olive oil industry makes up 14% of the agricultural income for the oPt and supports the livelihoods of approximately 80,000 families.
The number of Barrier gates increased to 73 in 2012 but the majority (52) are closed year round, except for the olive harvest period and only then for limited hours.
In 2011, 42% of applications for permits to access olive groves behind the Barrier submitted prior to the harvest season were rejected, compared to 39% in 2010.
In the West Bank, over 7,500 olive trees belonging to Palestinians were damaged or destroyed by Israeli settlers between January and mid October 2012, some 2,000 fewer than during the equivalent period in 2011.
Only one of the 162 complaints regarding settler attacks against Palestinian trees monitored by the Israeli NGO Yesh Din since 2005 has so far led to the indictment of a suspect.
In the Gaza Strip, 7,300 dunums of land along the perimeter fence with Israel that were previously planted with olive trees have been leveled during Israeli military operations.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Why aren’t more business leaders online?


Anyone who thinks new technology isn’t going to keep changing the world has got their head in the sand. We are seeing progress every day online, and businesses are doing their level best to keep up and get ahead.

However, when you get to the very top of companies, there is a surprising lethargy about using the online tools already available: social media. Embracing social media isn’t just a bit of fun, it is a vital way to communicate, keep your ear to the ground and improve your business.

So why are only 16% of CEOs currently participating in social media? IBM’s 2012 Global CEO Study found that most CEOs are clearly not taking social media seriously. Only one of more than 1,700 respondents had their own blog! Some are on LinkedIn, fewer on Twitter and even less on Facebook, Google+ and elsewhere on the web.

The study indicated that within five years social media will be the number two way to engage with customers (after face-to-face personal interaction). That’s a step in the right direction, but why wait five years? The internet will have changed all over again by then, and business is in danger of being left behind.

It isn’t just CEOs that can make the most of social media. Where possible, everyone within a company should be engaged in what is happening elsewhere within their business, and in the wider world. Social media is a great way to do this. Also, it can furnish a spirit of community, not least amongst global, widespread companies.

Nevertheless, like all other areas of business, CEOs have the opportunity to set the bar. By ignoring social networks, they are potentially missing a trick.

There are lots of business leaders utilising social media, and yours truly is only too happy to be counted among them. But the beauty of the web is that there is plenty of room for everyone. Does anybody else want to join the party? There’s only one rule for entry - no ties allowed!

By : Richard Bronson 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Five Mistakes To Avoid When Trading Financial Markets

It’s a well known fact that 95% of “retail” traders (i.e. the small speculators) will lose money trading the financial markets.  Little wonder then that small speculators are referred to as “dumb money” by investment professionals and monitored as a contrarian indicator for future price direction.

It is not simply that the little guys choose the wrong trade, there are a number of classic mistakes that are repeated over and over again that mean losing is all but a certainty, leaving the 5% of winners and the professionals to clean up.

This article highlights what we believe to be the top five mistakes that traders make that can be avoided and increase your odds of success dramatically.

1. Not Planning Your Trades

It is not sufficient to look at a particular market, choose to either buy or sell and cross your fingers hoping for the best.  You must devote time to study your chosen market, decide whether the prevailing trend is up or down, what timescale this trend is over and where the points of support and resistance are.

You have to plan where you are going to buy or sell, where to place your stop loss and most importantly where to exit the trade.  Then, once the trade is planned and executed, you must show discipline – you made the trade for a good reason with solid justification, so any changes need equally solid justification.

2. Lettings Losses Run and Closing Winners Too Early

There is a tendency to become too emotionally involved with a trade once it has been placed, and to want the trade to succeed too much.

Therefore, novice traders tend to let losses run too long, by either widening stops or ignoring signals that the trade is going wrong, in a desperate attempt not to lose money.  All that happens is when you do eventually lose, the loss is a huge one.

Learn to take small losses and you won’t ever get smashed by an enormous loss that blows you out of the water completely – the markets will always be there tomorrow, as long as you still have capital, you are in the game.

On the flipside, novices tend to get over excited when their trades move the right way and into a profitable position and the tendency is to close the trade out earlier than planned to “bank” the profit.  Of course there are times when this is the right course of action, but if your plan said close out at a certain point, unless something has changed, stick to the plan.

3. Chasing Losses

The other classic trading mistake is to “chase” losses – after taking a loss on a trade (hopefully a small, manageable one - see above!) the natural urge is to “put it right” by getting straight back into the markets and winning the lost cash back as soon as possible.

As we know, the only way to trade is by planning each trade and executing it carefully, jumping back in to the markets after calling a losing trade is NOT going to work.

The best advice is to take a few days out of the markets, regroup and plan your next trade.

4. Overtrading

Everyone loves the thrill of placing a trade and entering the market – many traders tend to overtrade, placing too many trades that haven’t been planned properly just to be “in the game” and part of the action.

We at UKGTE only make about 10-20 carefully planned trades a year as overtrading means more money is lost on commissions and spreads and the likelihood of losing is higher as trades are more frequent.

5. Staking Too Much

Money management is the key to real success – too many traders risk far too much of their trading pot on each trade, looking for the “big win” rather than gradual and controlled growth through smaller more manageable trades.

If you go seeking the “big win”, more often than not you will end up finding the “big loss” and then its game over.

7 Money Mindset Myths That Are Keeping You Poor

Budgeting and managing your money is never a happy experience – IF you’re in the red. Yet, if you’re like most people, there are 7 common money mindset myths that are keeping you that way.
Change your mind and change your numbers. This sounds simple, but it works.

Money Mindset Myth #1 – A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned

Not losing that penny by saving it is helpful, but it takes so much more than not giving that penny to the cashier to create meaningful wealth. In addition to saving, you must also multiply that those cents that you are saving to truly feel the effects. Even if the adage is accurate, it is also incomplete, and certainly not something you can base your future fortune around. Saving pennies is good, but you also need to earn more.

Money Mindset Myth #2 – I Don’t Need Money Help

Paying for people to coach you in precision pilates is a want, but if you have zero experience straightening your finances, then shooting from the hip while going solo will likely only set you right back where you started from.
Investing in a money coach will lead you down a safer road lined with superior choices, better decisions, and ultimately a finish line you’ll likely never reach alone.
Invest in a coach and train for financial success.

Money Mindset Myth #3 – Budgeting Saves Me Money

As noble as that might be, it isn’t accurate. Write everything you earn, subtract everything you spend, and allot a certain amount toward your saving. Then you’re gold, right?
No, not really. You can record your pluses and minuses all day, but if you’re not acting on what you wrote, your budget means nothing.
Carefully plot and plan, then follow through by making improvements to see optimum success.

Money Mindset Myth #4 – If I Earn More, I Can Spend More

You worked 60 hours last week. Dog tired, you came home and collapsed into bed. The exhaustion is fine, at least your paycheck will be fat.
When it’s time to reap the rewards, you happily head out, paycheck in hand to shop.
“Look at all this overtime! I deserve a ‘little’ something for working so hard!”
That’s why you’ll stay right where you are in your finances.
That “little” something extra is called overtime pay, and THAT is your reward. Stick all your “extra” earnings in a special fund or savings account, then leave it there so you can watch it grow, rather than disappear.

Money Mindset Myth #5 – If I Don’t Risk It, I Can’t Lose It

Playing a smart financial game means taking intelligent risks. You will never make a mint if you don’t make smart investments. Fail to take SMART risks with your money, and you will keep the blooms from blossoming on the branches of your money tree.
Stock valuations are volatile, but individual investors can still profit on the expansion of the economy by buying into a broadly diversified index fund that tracks the total market as long as they have a long term vision.
Know a good investment when you see it, and be smart enough to make it.

Money Mindset Myth #6 – I Make Enough

You bring home your check every two weeks. Your house payment is always made on time. And your bills are current. Yet, you have nothing left for savings, and little if any for life’s extras. You might make enough, but you’ll never reach financial independence if you can’t get ahead. You don’t want to be 50 without any retirement assets.
Assets determine your worth, and if you want to grow your financial portfolio, you must find a way to start saving while you invest to increase your assets at the same time.

Money Mindset Myth #7 – My Today Is Taken Care Of

Too many people live in the moment. In today’s economy, it’s difficult to look past now to see the promise of tomorrow. Yet, right now is when it’s essential to plan ahead. What will your reserves be like as you head into retirement? Not putting away what you can now is a near guarantee that you’ll not have enough when you need it in the future.
Start saving into a retirement fund today so you can start planning for future success.
What money mindsets are holding you back?

Monday, October 8, 2012

8 Naughty Things I Did as a Kid

  1. Dropping a dead spider into my elder brother’s ear canal when he was sleeping – A while after he woke up, he felt that his ear was itchy so he dug it. He was so shocked to see a dead spider! He must have thought the spider had made its nest in his ear! Did I claim responsibility to this mischief then? No! ;)
  2. Scribbled my sister’s school bag with a permanent marker pen – I think this happened when she was 10 and I was 4. The result? Of course I got reprimanded. But my parents were too thrifty to buy a new bag for her so my poor sister had to still use the bag. To ‘remedy’ it, my ingenious mother coloured the rest of the scribbled portion with a marker pen so that it would look like it was the original design/colour of the bag! When my upset sister went to school, she would hold the bad side of the bag close to herself to cover it.
  3. Tried to bury a kitten alive – Before any animal lover starts to curse me, let me clarify that it DID NOT DIE. What I did was attempting to bury that little kitten in the pile of sand used for the renovation of my neighbour’s house. I guess I was just being playful and didn’t intend to kill it. The hole was a shallow one so it managed to crawl out again and again before I gave up.
  4. Shot rubber bands at back-lane vege sellers – There were a father and son selling vegetables and fish in a pick-up truck which passed by the back lane of my house every day. As their truck passed by my backyard, my elder brother and I would be on standby to shoot rubber bands at them! I think there was one time when we were so accurate and the timing was just right that the face of the elderly man was hit (judging by his facial expression) but luckily they never scolded us.
  5. Teased my primary school classmate about the colour of her gums – We were 11 years old. She was a non-Chinese so she had dark gums. I teased her, she cried, and her best friend reprimanded me.
  6. Stole my classmate’s Street Fighter sticker – This happened when I was 10. It was in a POL (People’s Own Language) class on a Saturday. My friend sitting opposite  me had a nice Street Fighter that I really liked. I asked him to give it to me but he refused. So I decided to steal it! The modus operandi was smooth – while he wasn’t paying attention to the stickers which were all over his desk, I put a workbook on top of the one I liked, then by a sleight of hand I pulled away my book together with that sticker! And he didn’t realised it at all. After he went home he must have thought he just lost it. ;)
  7. Flushed my brother’s stickers into the toilet – I really loved stickers when I was a kid. There was one time when my elder brother had a huge collection of stickers which he refused to share with me. So one fine day, out of jealousy, I flushed them all down the toilet! When my mother confronted me, I justified by saying I did it to end our constant fighting over the stickers!
  8. Poked and pressed items at the grocery stall – When I went to the wet market with my mother, and she was busy browsing the items, I would quietly poke and press stuff like tomatoes, tofus and preserved vegetables. The sense of satisfaction that came from seeing the spoiled stuff was just irresistible! ;) Of course there was a secret to doing this without being detected – by pretending to have an innocent look!

PS: The most "geli2" creatures which i  dont want to meet are spider & cockroach...  :D :8

10 Tips for Eating Out

Malaysia is a food haven, and eating is Malaysians’ favourite pastime! Since most of us eat out often, here are some tips for foodies and non-foodies alike…
1. Look at what the regulars order - In any food outlet, there is a good chance that many of the patrons are regulars who know what’s tasty and what’s average there. As we make our way to the table, take a glance at as many tables as possible to see what’s being served (some order takers do not bother to recommend the shop’s signature dishes, assume that we know or simply tell us one or two only). A ‘makan kaki’/food aficionado will not want to miss any good food :)
2. Ask about prices especially for food that use seasonally priced ingredients – We don’t want to be caught by surprise when the bill comes. Even for normal food in certain restaurants that we are not familiar with, especially in places in which we are considered ‘tourists’ as opposed to locals, it’s wise to check the prices first before confirming the orders. I’m sure you’ve heard of ‘cut-throat’ cases by unscrupulous restaurant operators!
3. Try not to patronise an outlet during off-peak hours (i.e. when they have just opened or waiting to close) - When they have just opened for business for the day, and we are the first customer, our food will be prepared using the cooking utensils which might have been contaminated the night before. As many of us have witnessed, cockroaches and rats have attained PR status in a lot of shop kitchens in Malaysia. Not all cooking utensils are washed properly before being used (we are lucky if they indeed wash them). When they are waiting to close after the crowd has dispersed, the cook’s rest time presents the long-awaited opportunity to scratch that itchy part of his foot or dig his nostril. We don’t want to be the customer right after he does that!
4. Take a peek at the kitchen – This tip applies to the favourite haunts of those who don’t believe that ignorance is bliss. It’s easier done if the toilet is near the kitchen – as we walk to the toilet, peek at how the food is prepared. Our eyes might be met with some unpleasant sights that spoil our appetite, and make us decide that’s the last visit.
5. Give a reminder of orders after 5 minutes - We might want to do this when we are in a hurry or hosting some VIP guests with whom we want to enjoy a good dining experience. Order mix-ups or miss-outs might happen especially at peak hours.
6. Be careful of how we complain about our food - Never complain in a such a way that the kitchen staff might take it as criticism towards how they prepare our food. Try not to have our food be brought back into the kitchen to be made right. We’ll never know what kind of people work in the kitchen. They could be a bunch of overworked and underpaid staff who hate their boss. Anything returned to the kitchen means double work! If we are unlucky, we might get some ‘extra ingredient’ in our food (I shall not go into the examples). Unless we are 100% SURE that the cook and his team subscribe strongly to their code of ethics, never do it. If we really want to give feedback on the hygiene or quality of the food, do it when we are done with the meal. Unfortunately, this means that even if we find the food inedible, it’s better to just leave it. Free replacement is almost a non-existent practice in Malaysia. Most of the time, we’ll just hear “Sorry ah”.
7. Free-flow drinks – When our dining partner is someone with whom we don’t mind sharing a drink, and either one is not very particular with the type of drink, and we are thrifty diners, there’s really no point ordering two separate glasses. Furthermore, many restaurants allow different juices or soft drinks to be refilled so there’s still variety.
8. Ask whether dessert/fruit is complimentary – Never ASSUME. Although most is free, there are some places which charge for dessert/fruit that is served despite not having been ordered.
9. Choose a strategic table when eating buffet – If we are someone ‘kiasu’ or rather someone who wants to get our money’s worth, choose a spot with a good view of the food line so that we won’t miss it when what we die to eat is replenished. We all know how passionate Malaysians are when it comes to food. We have to be real quick in most buffet restaurants!
10. Don’t trust the cashier’s mental arithmetic ability or even the quick calculation done on paper or by calculator – Always ask for an itemised bill especially when a lot of food are ordered e.g. dim sum and sushi.

ps:BDW i looooooooooooove food hunting :)

Miss Malaysia Universe vs Miss Korea Universe (2003-2012)

How do the natural beauties in South Korea compare to Malaysian beauties?

    Miss Malaysia Universe 2012           Miss Korea Universe 2012                                                    Kimberley Ann Estrop-Leggett                        Lee Seong-hye

     Miss Malaysia Universe 2011               Miss Korea Universe 2011                                                      Deborah Priya Henry                                     Jung So-ra

Miss Malaysia Universe 2010             Miss Korea Universe 2010                                                         Nadine Ann Thomas                                    Kim Joo-ri

    Miss Malaysia Universe 2009              Miss Korea Universe 2009                                                       Joannabelle Ng Li Vun                                 Ree Na (Na Ri)

 Miss Malaysia Universe 2008          Miss Korea Universe 2008                                                                  Levy Li Su Lin                                     Lee Ji-sun

    Miss Malaysia Universe 2007           Miss Korea Universe 2007                                                           Adelaine Chin Ai Nee                                  Lee Ha-nui

    Miss Malaysia Universe 2006           Miss Korea Universe 2006                                                               Melissa Ann Tan                                    Kim Ju-hee

  Miss Malaysia Universe 2005       Miss Korea Universe 2005                                                                      Angela Gan                                 Kim So-young

     Miss Malaysia Universe 2004             Miss Korea Universe 2004                                                           Andrea Fonseka                                    Choi Yun-yong

Miss Malaysia Universe 2003     Miss Korea Universe 2003                                                                        Elaine Daly                                  Geum Na-na

PS: ^_^

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Five top tips to starting a successful business


1. Listen more than you talk

We have two ears and one mouth, using them in proportion is not a bad idea! To be a good leader you have to be a great listener. Brilliant ideas can spring from the most unlikely places, so you should always keep your ears open for some shrewd advice. This can mean following online comments as closely as board meeting notes, or asking the frontline staff for their opinions as often as the CEOs. Get out there, listen to people, draw people out and learn from them.

2. Keep it simple

You have to do something radically different to stand out in business. But nobody ever said different has to be complex. There are thousands of simple business solutions to problems out there, just waiting to be solved by the next big thing in business. Maintain a focus upon innovation, but don’t try to reinvent the wheel. A simple change for the better is far more effective than five complicated changes for the worse.

3. Take pride in your work

Last week I enjoyed my favourite night of the year, the Virgin Stars of the Year Awards, where we celebrated some of those people who have gone the extra mile for us around the Virgin world. With so many different companies, nationalities and personalities represented under one roof, it was interesting to see what qualities they all have in common. One was pride in their work, and in the company they represent. Remember your staff are your biggest brand advocates, and focusing on helping them take pride will shine through in how they treat your customers.

4. Have fun, success will follow

If you aren’t having fun, you are doing it wrong. If you feel like getting up in the morning to work on your business is a chore, then it's time to try something else. If you are having a good time, there is a far greater chance a positive, innovative atmosphere will be nurtured and your business will fluorish. A smile and a joke can go a long way, so be quick to see the lighter side of life.

5. Rip it up and start again

If you are an entrepreneur and your first venture isn’t a success, welcome to the club! Every successful businessperson has experienced a few failures along the way – the important thing is how you learn from them. Don’t allow yourself to get disheartened by a setback or two, instead dust yourself off and work out what went wrong. Then you can find the positives, analyse where you can improve, rip it up and start again.

PS: & .Ordering purpose do contact me and

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Want to Start a Company? Take a Few Months Off to Travel First

Last year, entrepreneur Adam Lyons bought a one-way ticket to South America. He spent time volunteering with Bolivian children, teaching them to make crafts to sell – a pretty entrepreneurial activity for a kid. In fact, he found the whole region to be very entrepreneurial.
“It’s 60-year-old ladies that are walking around making fresh orange juice, or old men walking around selling dolls or all the counterfeit, fake North Face jackets, fake Ray-Bans. It’s everybody out there just hustling,” says Lyons.
Lyons had always wanted to do charity work, and he had finally saved up enough money to quit his job. He was planning on starting a company, but he wanted to mull over some ideas first.

One of his ideas was a car insurance comparison site. When he met other travelers, he often chatted with them about it, and he discovered that car insurance sites were huge in Britain – something he might not have realized had he stayed put in the United States.
He also ran into other foreign entrepreneurs. Sitting down to play cards, he met the US founder of a major online shoe site (he wouldn’t tell me which one), who travels to Peru every 3 months to visit his factory. He also met people who exported fruit to sell to Breyers ice cream.
“It was really cool to … get inspired by all these successful people that were making a living for themselves and actually creating jobs for other people,” says Lyons, who went on to launch Insurance Zebra and graduate from the AlphaLab accelerator.
And it turns out, traveling is a lot like starting a company. Like a first-time entrepreneur, he didn’t know what to expect, and he had to learn whole new languages (as entrepreneurs learn terms to use with VCs).
“With entrepreneurship, you don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s unpredictable. There’s ups and downs,” he says.
As for travel: “You just do it. I got a 1-way ticket and I went. I just jumped right into it.” Sounds like great advice for startups, too.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Now that we have established the ruthless and criminal nature of radical Zionism, one more lesson needs to be understood before we return to the five dancing Israelis of 9-11 and other related stories. Even the Zionists themselves have never denied that they have long exerted great influence in America. But what we must understand is that the Zionists do not merely influence United States policy....they dominate it! It is this domination that enables them to pull off monstrous crimes and then conceal them from the general public.
The observation that Zionists dominate the American media, government, academia, and Hollywood has been made by many prominent Americans and is easily verifiable by public information.
Henry Ford said this:
"If after having elected their man or group, obedience is not rendered to the Jewish control, then you speedily hear of "scandals" and "investigations" and "impeachments" for the removal of the disobedient. Usually a man with a "past" proves the most obedient instrument, but even a good man can often be tangled up in campaign practices that compromise him. It has been commonly known that Jewish manipulation of American election campaigns have been so skillfully handled, that no matter which candidate was elected, there was ready made a sufficient amount of evidence to discredit him in case his Jewish masters needed to discredit him." (1)
Charles Lindbergh said this:
“Their greatest danger to this country lies in the Jewish ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government. (2)
Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff under Ronald Reagan said this:
"I've never seen a President -- I don't care who he is -- stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on." (emphasis added) (3)
While a guest on ABC's Face the Nation, William Fulbright - US Senator and Chairman of the US Foreign Relations committee - once said this before a national audience:
"Israel controls the United States Senate. We should be more concerned about the United States' interests."  (emphasis added) (4)
Nationally syndicated columnist and former presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan said:
"The United States Congress is Israeli occupied territory." (5)
And US religious leader Billy Graham and President Richard Nixon once had the following exchange, which was caught on tape:
GRAHAM: The Jewish stranglehold on the media has got to be broken or this country's going down the drain".
NIXON: "You believe that?"
GRAHAM: "Yes, sir."
NIXON: "Oh boy. So do I. I can't ever say that but I do believe it" (emphasis added) 
More recently, U.S. Brigadier General James J. David (Ret.), in an article entitled "A Passionate Attachment to Israel", wrote:
"Is there any criminal act that Israel can do without being protected from criticism from the United States? If there is I haven't seen it. And I haven't seen it from the Bush Administration or from the Clinton Administration or from any administration before them. But when you consider the influence of Israel's lobby and its political action committees and the more than $41 million they've given to Congress and the White House, is it any wonder Israel is shielded from any shame?
For more than 54 years the Israelis have committed acts that no other nation would dare get away with. But even here in America, where it is not yet illegal to publicly ask the wrong questions, any public figure that does so is subjected to smears, intimidation, and the attempted destruction of his career and reputation by Jewish organizations and by the very cooperative news media." (7) (emphasis added)
But enough of quoting others. Let's look at the facts of Zionist control.
MEDIA: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, UPN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Daily News, Time Magazine, Newsweek, People Magazine, US News and World Report and countless other media and Hollywood companies all have either a Zionist CEO, or a Zionist News President, or are owned by a media conglomerate which has a Zionist CEO. (8) Have you ever noticed how Hollywood movies always seem to portray Germans and Arabs as a bigoted fanatics or terrorists? Now you know why!
GOVERNMENT: AIPAC (the Israeli lobbying organization), and the ADL are the most feared political pressure groups in Washington DC. Also carrying heavy political clout are well funded and well organized Zionist  groups such as JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs), ZOA (Zionist Organization of America), and AJC (American Jewish Congress.) By their own admission, these groups are capable of unseating Congressmen and Senators that do not carry out their requests. The majority of Congressmen from both political parties receive large donations from AIPAC. Writing for the Nation Magazine, journalist Michael Massing explains:
“AIPAC is widely regarded as the most powerful foreign-policy lobby in Washington. Its 60,000 members shower millions of dollars on hundreds of members of Congress on both sides of the aisle. Newspapers like the New York Times fear the Jewish lobby organizations as well. "It's very intimidating," said a correspondent at another large daily. "The pressure from these groups is relentless." (9)
PENTAGON: The Pentagon is under the control of a hard core group of  Zionist moles led by the maniacal Richard Perle. The civilian Defense Policy Board actually wields more control over the military establishment than the Defense Secretary or the generals and admirals. There are a number of other Zionists who serve on this board (Kissinger, Cohen, Schlessinger, Adelman, Abrams) as well as non-jewish members who have always supported Israel and the expansion of the "War on Terror". The notoriously belligerent Perle, nicknamed the "The Prince of Darkness", is Chairman of the Board. (10) Perle is also a former Director of The Jerusalem Post and serves on the Board of Directors of several Israeli companies.
The Undersecretary of Defense is Paul Wolfowitz, another Zionist zealot who lived in Israel as a teenager and has family living there now.
The Undersecratary of Defense Policy is Douglass Feith, a Zionist award winner whose law firm has offices in Israel.
The Zionist Pentagon gang of Perle, Wolfowitz , and Feith represent 3 of the top 4 civilian leadership positions of America’s armed forces. Careerist scoundrels like Condoleeza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld are either under their influence or unwilling to oppose their drive for WW III. The Perle-Wolfowitz-Feith gang constitutes a fanatical and warmongering "government-within-a-government". In league with these Zionist Pentagon conspirators are Orthodox jewish Zionist and probable 2004 Presidential candidate, Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT), his partner in crime, Senator John McCain (R-AZ), and scores of other Zionist or Zionist owned Senators, Congressmen, and media personalities.
An Israeli journalist named Ari Shavit, lamenting the harsh treatments that his government dishes out to the Palestinians, made the following observation in Ha'aretz, a leading Israeli journal:
"We believe with absolute certitude that now, with the White House and Senate in our hands along with the Pentagon and the New York Times, the lives [of Arabs] do not count as much as our own. Their blood does not count as much as our blood. We believe with absolute certitude that now, when we have AIPAC [the Israel lobby] and [Edgar] Bronfman and the Anti-Defamation League, , we truly have the right to tell 400,000 people that in eight hours they must flee from their homes. And that we have the right to rain bombs on their villages and towns and populated areas. That we have the right to kill without any guilt." (11)

And this only scratches the surface of Zionist power! We haven’t even mentioned the powerful Zionist element that dominates finance (Greenspan, Soros, Rothschild, Goldman, Sachs, Schwab, Warburg etc.), publishing, (Simon & Schuster, Newhouse Publications etc.) and the academic world. With such awesome power to control and cover up events, is it any wonder why so many of America's journalists, intellectuals, and politicians are afraid to even talk about this issue?
Is it any wonder why President Bill Clinton would grovel before a jewish audience at a $350 a plate dinner, and utter something as ridiculously pathetic as the following statement:
"The Israelis know that if the Iraqi or the Iranian army came across the Jordan River, I would personally grab a rifle, get in a ditch, and fight and die." (12) (emphasis added)
It was very fitting that Bill Clinton should have made those comments before a  Zionist women's charity called the Hadassah Foundation. Hadassah (also known as Esther) is the heroine of the Book of Esther in the Bible's  Old Testament. This non-religious story tells of a scheme by Hadassah and her Uncle Mordecai to infiltrate and gain political influence over the Persian King Xerxes; influence which was then used to kill and destroy their anti-jewish enemies.
I could go on at much greater length about Zionist power in banking, academia, and book publishing, but I want to get back to the dancing Israelis. Have I made my point yet?