- Dropping a dead spider into my elder brother’s ear canal when he was sleeping
– A while after he woke up, he felt that his ear was itchy so he dug
it. He was so shocked to see a dead spider! He must have thought the
spider had made its nest in his ear! Did I claim responsibility to this
mischief then? No!
- Scribbled my sister’s school bag with a permanent marker pen – I think this happened when she was 10 and I was 4. The result? Of course I got reprimanded. But my parents were too thrifty to buy a new bag for her so my poor sister had to still use the bag. To ‘remedy’ it, my ingenious mother coloured the rest of the scribbled portion with a marker pen so that it would look like it was the original design/colour of the bag! When my upset sister went to school, she would hold the bad side of the bag close to herself to cover it.
- Tried to bury a kitten alive – Before any animal lover starts to curse me, let me clarify that it DID NOT DIE. What I did was attempting to bury that little kitten in the pile of sand used for the renovation of my neighbour’s house. I guess I was just being playful and didn’t intend to kill it. The hole was a shallow one so it managed to crawl out again and again before I gave up.
- Shot rubber bands at back-lane vege sellers – There were a father and son selling vegetables and fish in a pick-up truck which passed by the back lane of my house every day. As their truck passed by my backyard, my elder brother and I would be on standby to shoot rubber bands at them! I think there was one time when we were so accurate and the timing was just right that the face of the elderly man was hit (judging by his facial expression) but luckily they never scolded us.
- Teased my primary school classmate about the colour of her gums – We were 11 years old. She was a non-Chinese so she had dark gums. I teased her, she cried, and her best friend reprimanded me.
- Stole my classmate’s Street Fighter sticker
– This happened when I was 10. It was in a POL (People’s Own Language)
class on a Saturday. My friend sitting opposite me had a nice Street
Fighter that I really liked. I asked him to give it to me but he
refused. So I decided to steal it! The modus operandi was smooth – while
he wasn’t paying attention to the stickers which were all over his
desk, I put a workbook on top of the one I liked, then by a sleight of
hand I pulled away my book together with that sticker! And he didn’t
realised it at all. After he went home he must have thought he just lost
- Flushed my brother’s stickers into the toilet – I really loved stickers when I was a kid. There was one time when my elder brother had a huge collection of stickers which he refused to share with me. So one fine day, out of jealousy, I flushed them all down the toilet! When my mother confronted me, I justified by saying I did it to end our constant fighting over the stickers!
- Poked and pressed items at the grocery stall
– When I went to the wet market with my mother, and she was busy
browsing the items, I would quietly poke and press stuff like tomatoes,
tofus and preserved vegetables. The sense of satisfaction that came from
seeing the spoiled stuff was just irresistible!
Of course there was a secret to doing this without being detected – by pretending to have an innocent look!
PS: The most "geli2" creatures which i dont want to meet are spider & cockroach... :D :8
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