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- Cara Terbaru Virus HIV Tersebar
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Friday, August 31, 2012
Doktor Rogol Pesakit Yang Tidak Sedarkan Diri
Cara Terbaru Virus HIV Tersebar
Berikut adalah artikel yang perlu diambil perhatian sekiranya anda belum membacanya... Sila baca artikel berikut mengenai orang yang HIV positif seronok menyebarkan virus HIV. Ianya pernah ke udara di dalam Televisyen Thai di mana pesakit HIV ditangkap & didakwa, tapi apa gunanya, beliau telah merosakkan ramai orang awam yang tak berdosa. Jadi sila berhati-hati... Beberapa tempat berbahaya dan kebarangkalian menemui jarum penyuntik yang telah digunakan penagih
1. Di kawasan pantai. Apabila anda berjalan di pantai sila pakai selipar atau kasut, ada penagih dadah yang melakukan aktiviti di tepi pantai dan menimbus jarum penyuntik di dalam pasir. Penyuntik ini kemudiannya terdedah akibat ombak.
2. Di kawasan permainan kanak-kanak. Satu lagi kawasan pilihan penagih.Terdapat kes di Australia di mana kanak kanak yg tak berdosa telah tercucuk jarum penyuntik apabila beliau turun daripada papan lunsur & kemudiannya didapati HIV positif.
3. Di panggung wayang. Sila pastikan kerusi yg anda duduki. Kes yang terjadi apabila seorang perempuan duduk di kerusi beliau dan terasa sesuatu benda mencucuk. Beliau berdiri dan mendapati ada penyuntik dan nota berbunyi 'Welcome to the real world, you are now HIV positive' . Doktor telah memeriksa jarum tersebut & mengesahkan ianya terdapat virus HIV. Ianya berlaku di Hawaii jadi berhati-hati... ...
4. Di Georgia & Florida , ada kes menunjukkan pesakit HIV meletakkan penyuntik di dalam tempat mengembalikan syiling, mesin air minuman... jadi pastikan bila anda membeli air atau kandi, perhatikan betul-betul tempat mengembalikan wang syiling... .mungkin terdapat jarum penyuntik di dalamnya.
5. Di restoran Burger King, pesakit HIV yang juga pekerjanya meletakkan sedikit darah di dalam burger & mencampurkan dengan mayonis dan salad. Ianya seperti sos. Jadi cuba jangan pesan burger dengan mayonis & sos Order di tempat lain. Ini adalah nyawa anda.
PS:scaryyyyy though..
5 Common Exercise Mistakes to Avoid
Spending hours at the gym but still not seeing any weight loss or even a
hint of a six pack? You might be committing one of these exercise
errors. Cut them out of your workout regime and you might just see the
results that have eluded you for so long.
Mistake #1: Doing isolated exercises
Although we've all spend hours doing crunches or arm curls, the reality is that doing isolated exercises that concentrate on a single area won't produce significant results as they don't get your heart rate up to burn calories -- how you get rid of the layers of fat around the muscles you're working.
Exercises that stimulate as many muscle groups are needed for maximum caloric output.
"If you want to see muscle definitions, muscle-isolated exercises do give a better results," says Janet Ho, personal trainer at Fitness Compass in Hong Kong and LifestyleAsia's guest writer. "But, you max out your caloric output by doing multi-joint movements exercises in order to increase heart rate, and improve coordination by performing full body exercises."
Mistake #2: Working out with machines
Gyms may look all fancy with their high-tech machinery and air-conditioned rooms, but nothing beats exercising the good old-fashioned way. Machines can alter the way your body moves naturally and also restrict your range of motion, which means less fat burning and muscle definition. However, Ho points out that you should work with machines as an alternative to free weights if you are worried about hurting yourself without the help of a personal trainer.
Mistake #3: Excessive repetition of workout routine
Just like how your skincare regime ceases to work at its optimal levels after a few months of use, repeating the same set of exercises over a long period of time will cause your body to adapt, and as a result, stop making any significant progress.
"We call this hitting the plateau. It's important to vary your workout from time to time to challenge the body consistently," explains Ho.
Mistake #4: Inadequate hydration
The recommended six to eight glasses of water per day is actually the bare minimum to prevent dehydration in an inactive person. If you exercise regularly, you should be consuming at least twice of that as inadequate hydration can stop the body from performing at its best during exercise.
On a workout day, sip water constantly throughout the day to ensure you're properly hydrated. If you really need to flavour a drink, Ho suggests substituting water with sugar-free electrolytes drinks before and after your workout.
Mistake #5: Pre-exercise snackingIt might seem like a good idea to have a snack before you hit the gym or go for a run, but downing an energy bar actually robs you of energy due to its high fibre content, which takes ages to digest. This digestion requires additional energy, and you end up feeling sluggish during the workout.
Ho recommends fruit as a pre-workout snack, such as a banana.
PS:some suggestions Janet has to add variation to your workout in manageable ways.
Mistake #1: Doing isolated exercises
Although we've all spend hours doing crunches or arm curls, the reality is that doing isolated exercises that concentrate on a single area won't produce significant results as they don't get your heart rate up to burn calories -- how you get rid of the layers of fat around the muscles you're working.
Exercises that stimulate as many muscle groups are needed for maximum caloric output.
"If you want to see muscle definitions, muscle-isolated exercises do give a better results," says Janet Ho, personal trainer at Fitness Compass in Hong Kong and LifestyleAsia's guest writer. "But, you max out your caloric output by doing multi-joint movements exercises in order to increase heart rate, and improve coordination by performing full body exercises."
Mistake #2: Working out with machines
Gyms may look all fancy with their high-tech machinery and air-conditioned rooms, but nothing beats exercising the good old-fashioned way. Machines can alter the way your body moves naturally and also restrict your range of motion, which means less fat burning and muscle definition. However, Ho points out that you should work with machines as an alternative to free weights if you are worried about hurting yourself without the help of a personal trainer.
Mistake #3: Excessive repetition of workout routine
Just like how your skincare regime ceases to work at its optimal levels after a few months of use, repeating the same set of exercises over a long period of time will cause your body to adapt, and as a result, stop making any significant progress.
"We call this hitting the plateau. It's important to vary your workout from time to time to challenge the body consistently," explains Ho.
Mistake #4: Inadequate hydration
The recommended six to eight glasses of water per day is actually the bare minimum to prevent dehydration in an inactive person. If you exercise regularly, you should be consuming at least twice of that as inadequate hydration can stop the body from performing at its best during exercise.
On a workout day, sip water constantly throughout the day to ensure you're properly hydrated. If you really need to flavour a drink, Ho suggests substituting water with sugar-free electrolytes drinks before and after your workout.
Mistake #5: Pre-exercise snackingIt might seem like a good idea to have a snack before you hit the gym or go for a run, but downing an energy bar actually robs you of energy due to its high fibre content, which takes ages to digest. This digestion requires additional energy, and you end up feeling sluggish during the workout.
Ho recommends fruit as a pre-workout snack, such as a banana.
PS:some suggestions Janet has to add variation to your workout in manageable ways.
Ada beberapa hal yang tidak pernah
diajarkan disekolah dan tidak pernah diwariskan oleh orang tua, salah
satunya adalah…ilmu memikat hati seseorang.
Bicara mengenai imu memikat hati,
mungkin kita akan mengingat nama Casanova, namun dia bukanlah sang guru
besar melainkan seorang wanita bernama Ninon de Lenclos.
Ninon adalah seorang Pelacur Perancis di
abad pertengahan yang sangat hebat dan sangat menguasai permainannya,
ia sangat mengerti hati lelaki dan wanita. Kerana kepandaiannya ini,
banyak keluarga bangsawan yang mengirimkan anak-anaknya untuk belajar
Ilmu Cinta daripadanya.
Salah satu “murid” Ninon adalah seorang
pemuda bangsawan yang sedang jatuh cinta kepada seorang Countess cantik
yang angkuh. Apapun usaha yang dilakukan oleh sang pemuda tak berhasil
menarik perhatian si Countess.
Saat pemuda ini menceritakan semuanya
kepada Ninon, ia benar-benar ditertawakan kerana Ninon tahu bahawa semua
yang dilakukan olehnya sangat amat dungu dan bodoh.
Ninon berkata pada pemuda itu bahawa
Cinta seperti sebuah peperangan, dan gadis itu adalah sebuah benteng
yang kukuh, yang menunggu untuk dihancurkan.
Untuk melakukannya, harus ada strategi yang cerdas.
Inilah yang kemudian diajarkan Ninon kepada sang pemuda…
1. Mulai dekati sang Countess tanpa
menunjukkan niat untuk memiliki atau mengejar, gunakan Aura acuh tak
acuh, menjaga jarak sambil tetap berteman secara biasa.
Dengan cara ini sang Countess akan
kebingungan dan bertanya-tanya dalam hati, apa sebenarnya maksud dibalik
semua sikap sang pemuda bangsawan itu.
Seorang yang teguh sekalipun akan
berdiri goyah saat hatinya bimbang, saat seorang kehilangan kewaspadaan,
itulah saat terlemah dimana ia mudah diserang dan dikalahkan.
Setelah strategi tahap pertama berhasil dilaksanakan, maka berikutnya adalah…
2. Bangkitkan kecemburuan dalam hati sang Puteri.
Ninon meyakinkan sang pemuda yang sedang
jatuh cinta itu bahawa ia harus terlihat bersama-sama gadis-gadis
cantik di depan sang puteri.
Meskipun tidak mengerti, pemuda itu
mengikuti saranan Ninon, pada sebuah pesta, ia menggandeng seorang gadis
yang sangat cantik (yang disediakan oleh Ninon). Pasangan ini segera
menarik perhatian banyak orang diruangan, termasuk perhatian sang
Countess yang memandang dengan cemburu.
Tidak hanya itu, Ninon juga mengirim beberapa wanita cantik lainnya untuk mengelilingi sang pemuda dalam pesta tersebut.
Pesan yang disampaikan adalah, Pemuda
ini seorang yang sangat istimewa yang diingini oleh para gadis tercantik
dari seluruh Perancis, gadis yang boleh mendapatkannya adalah gadis
yang sangat beruntung.
Ninon sangat tahu bahawa tak ada wanita yang sudi mendapatkan seorang lelaki yang tak laku.
Strategi ini memperbaiki kesalahan yang
dilakukan oleh sang pemuda saat merendahkan diri dengan mengejar-ngejar
si Countess dahulu.
Kini posisinya berbalik, Countess itulah yang merasa harus boleh mendapatkan sang pemuda dengan cara apapun.
Tidak lupa Ninon terus mencatat progress
perkembangan kemajuan hubungan cinta mereka, ia (dan mata-matanya)
mencatat setiap kali sang Puteri tertawa akan jenaka jenaka yang
diceritakan oleh sang pemuda dan setiap kali sang puteri melirik ke arah
pemuda tersebut yang sedang sibuk dengan gadis-gadis lain.
Pada saat Ninon yakin bahawa hati gadis tersebut sudah mulai terbuka, ia melanjutkan dengan strategi lebih lanjut iaitu…
3. Menimbulkan rasa rindu
Ninon melarang pemuda itu untuk terus menerus berada dekat sang Puteri.
Di banyak pesta dan pertemuan di mana seharusnya mereka bertemu, tiba tiba sang pemuda tidak muncul.
Ninon memaksa pemuda itu untuk
menghilang, kadang hingga 2 minggu, dan boleh juga sampai sebulan
sebelum tiba-tiba muncul dan mengejutkan sang puteri.
Strategi ini benar-benar berhasil,
kerana dalam hidup rutin yang membosankan, rasa rindu pada seseorang
akan membakar perasaan cinta yang begitu besar di dalam hati seorang
Ninon sangat berhasil menjadi penasihat
cinta, namun seperti kisah-kisah perang di mana sekalipun, Sang Jeneral
selalu berakhir tragik saat menjadi terlalu percaya diri dan mengabaikan
sang penasihat…
Kerana merasa sudah sangat di atas
angin, pemuda itu mengabaikan Ninon dan nekad menjumpai sang Puteri
sesuai dengan kata hatinya.
Saat mereka berduaan, ia mengungkapkan semua isi hatinya dan berkata bahawa ia sangat mendambakan sang Puteri…
Saat itu juga tiba-tiba the Countess
berubah sikap, ia tidak lagi melihat sang pemuda sebagai seorang pujaan
hati yang misteri dan berkarisma, ia nampak sama seperti puluhan pemuda
lainnya yang sibuk memohon-mohon cintanya…
Sang Puteri meninggalkan pemuda itu begitu saja dan tidak pernah lagi mahu ditemui.
PS:scalabu is a Love Consultant based in Sri Rampai,KL
Tiny Singapore Risks Economic Gloom Without BIG BABY boom !
SINGAPORE: History suggests Singapore will enjoy a welcome baby boom
in this Year of the Dragon, the most auspicious for births in the
Chinese zodiac.
But after 25 years of state-sponsored matchmaking and fertility-boosting campaigns, the government's attempts to arrest a sliding birth rate are falling flat, with potentially profound consequences for the wealthy Asian city-state.
The calls to conception are now urgent and constant to citizens whose fertility ranks last among 222 nations in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.
Faced with dismal statistics like that, the government has begun a review of population and immigration policy and says it plans new measures to encourage births by the time it publishes the results of its consultation early next year.
The message to have more babies is all the more pressing as resentment builds over an influx of foreigners who now make up more than a third of the population of 5.2 million, a factor that is eroding support for the long-ruling People's Action Party.
"We have a problem. The long-term trend is down but we cannot give up," Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in a speech on Sunday about the nation's future. "We need to create the right environment, the right social environment, the right ethos so that Singaporeans want to settle down and have kids."
Social and economic engineering is nothing new in Singapore, where a firm government hand helped to steer a small island with no natural resources into one of the world's most affluent countries in a little over a generation.
But the relentless drop in the birth rate reveals the limits of that influence in what has been described as a "nanny state".
For a graphic on Singapore's declining birth rate, click:
For a global trade and financial centre like Singapore, its extremely low fertility rate has implications for economic growth, tax revenues, healthcare costs and immigration policy as the number of elderly people looks set to triple by 2030.
There are now 6.3 Singaporeans of working age for every senior citizen. By 2030, the ratio will be closer to 2:1.
At current levels, the birth rate implies that the local population will fall by half within a generation, said Sanjeev Sanyal, a Singapore-based global strategist at Deutsche Bank.
"Even to attract a pipeline of good quality foreign talent, you need socio-political continuity and stability that can only be provided by a robust anchor population," he said.
If there were any doubts about the government's blatant message, the mint maker Mentos put out an advertisement urging married Singaporeans to do their civic duty on the evening of the August 9 National Day festivities.
"I'm talking about making a baby, baby," went the video's rapped lyrics, accompanied by hip-thrusting animated hearts. "It's National Night, let's make Singapore's birthrate spike."
Not long ago, Singapore had the opposite problem.
From the mid-1960s, with post-war baby boomers hitting child-bearing age, the fears were that a population surge would threaten the development of the newly independent nation.
With the slogan "Stop at two", the government penalised big families, legalised abortion and rewarded sterilisation. It was so effective that, by 1987, the policy was reversed and the slogan became "Have three or more if you can afford it".
Conspiring against more births are powerful contraceptives in the form of intense career pressure, long work hours, small apartments, waiting lists for nursery care and soaring prices.
"Work/life balance is what everybody's after," said Evonne, a marketing professional in her 30s, adding she and her husband plan to have one child. "If you don't want kids, no matter what the government throws at you, I don't think you really care."
The 2010 census showed Singaporeans are marrying later than a decade earlier. In the age group 30-34, a key time for career, 43 percent of men and 31 percent of women were not married.
For women in their 40s who were or had been married, those with only one child rose to 19 percent from 15 percent.
The issue is acute for the ethnic Chinese who make up 74 percent of Singapore's citizens and permanent residents, a majority that has ebbed from nearly 78 percent in 1990. Statistics show ethnic Chinese are having fewer babies than the Malay and Indian communities and are more likely to be single.
Officials have sought to balance the call for more children with a message that the country must remain open to immigration to provide the labour and expertise needed for future growth.
Not all are convinced, as many Internet posts show.
Gilbert Goh, who runs a support group, Transitioning, for the unemployed, decried "relentless messages sent out by the government to accept foreigners" because of the low birth rate.
"Besides seemingly solving the whole birth rate issue here for our government, foreigners also are brought in to solve a bigger issue for employers -- cheap hard-working labour," he wrote on his website.
Simmering anger over immigration is widely believed to have contributed to the People's Action Party's unexpected loss of seats in last year's parliamentary elections.
Saying it recognises concerns about jobs, living standards and social cohesion, the government has put tighter controls on the number of foreigners it lets in, particularly lower-skilled and lower-wage workers.
In July, it put out a paper for public input on ways to encourage Singaporeans to marry and have families as part of its review of population and immigration policy.
The paper -- "Our Population Our Future" -- set out a troubling scenario for an ageing society if birth trends persist, including a less vibrant economy, an exodus of major companies and a shrinking number of workers and consumers.
To encourage parenthood, the government gives out baby bonuses of up to S$4,000 for each of the first two children, rising to S$6,000 for the third and fourth. It also matches deposits made into a Child Development Account.
The Social Development Network, part of a government agency, offers free romantic advice by its "Dr Love" and oversees the activities of private dating agencies.
To reverse the trend, Lee said on Sunday, changes in social and workplace attitudes are needed, along with more support for families with housing and affordable, accessible childcare.
If women were having at least two children, that would mean a rise in the population. But at a fertility rate of 0.78, according to the CIA, the number of Singaporeans is waning.
The government has different data showing women, on average, giving birth to 1.2 babies in a lifetime -- down from 1.87 in 1990 and 1.42 in 2001 and far below the replacement rate.
The city-state is not alone. Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea also have very low fertility rates and many of the same cost, space and career pressures.
Among Southeast Asian neighbours, Thailand's fertility rate of 1.66 is below replacement but the populations are growing in Indonesia (2.23), Malaysia (2.64) and the Philippines (3.15).
Lee Kuan Yew, the country's founding leader and father of the current prime minister, warned in August that Singapore "will fold up" unless it reverses the drop in the birth rate.
"Do we want to replace ourselves or do we want to shrink and get older and be replaced by migrants and work permit holders?" said Lee, who launched the "Stop at two" campaign in 1966.
Some hope for a zodiac-linked baby boom that is borne out by government figures. Births rose in previous Dragon years in 1976, 1988 and 2000, but those were only minor spikes in a steady decline in Singapore's fertility rate from 3.07 in 1970.
The government is promising new measures to encourage births and help families but unless career and cost pressures change dramatically, there may be little effect.
"Can Singaporeans be persuaded to have more children?" was the survey question during a recent television panel discussion on the birth rate. Channel News Asia's telephone poll may not have been completely scientific, but the answer was clear -- a resounding 74 percent of respondents said "no". - Reuters
But after 25 years of state-sponsored matchmaking and fertility-boosting campaigns, the government's attempts to arrest a sliding birth rate are falling flat, with potentially profound consequences for the wealthy Asian city-state.
The calls to conception are now urgent and constant to citizens whose fertility ranks last among 222 nations in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.
Faced with dismal statistics like that, the government has begun a review of population and immigration policy and says it plans new measures to encourage births by the time it publishes the results of its consultation early next year.
The message to have more babies is all the more pressing as resentment builds over an influx of foreigners who now make up more than a third of the population of 5.2 million, a factor that is eroding support for the long-ruling People's Action Party.
"We have a problem. The long-term trend is down but we cannot give up," Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in a speech on Sunday about the nation's future. "We need to create the right environment, the right social environment, the right ethos so that Singaporeans want to settle down and have kids."
Social and economic engineering is nothing new in Singapore, where a firm government hand helped to steer a small island with no natural resources into one of the world's most affluent countries in a little over a generation.
But the relentless drop in the birth rate reveals the limits of that influence in what has been described as a "nanny state".
For a graphic on Singapore's declining birth rate, click:
For a global trade and financial centre like Singapore, its extremely low fertility rate has implications for economic growth, tax revenues, healthcare costs and immigration policy as the number of elderly people looks set to triple by 2030.
There are now 6.3 Singaporeans of working age for every senior citizen. By 2030, the ratio will be closer to 2:1.
At current levels, the birth rate implies that the local population will fall by half within a generation, said Sanjeev Sanyal, a Singapore-based global strategist at Deutsche Bank.
"Even to attract a pipeline of good quality foreign talent, you need socio-political continuity and stability that can only be provided by a robust anchor population," he said.
If there were any doubts about the government's blatant message, the mint maker Mentos put out an advertisement urging married Singaporeans to do their civic duty on the evening of the August 9 National Day festivities.
"I'm talking about making a baby, baby," went the video's rapped lyrics, accompanied by hip-thrusting animated hearts. "It's National Night, let's make Singapore's birthrate spike."
Not long ago, Singapore had the opposite problem.
From the mid-1960s, with post-war baby boomers hitting child-bearing age, the fears were that a population surge would threaten the development of the newly independent nation.
With the slogan "Stop at two", the government penalised big families, legalised abortion and rewarded sterilisation. It was so effective that, by 1987, the policy was reversed and the slogan became "Have three or more if you can afford it".
Conspiring against more births are powerful contraceptives in the form of intense career pressure, long work hours, small apartments, waiting lists for nursery care and soaring prices.
"Work/life balance is what everybody's after," said Evonne, a marketing professional in her 30s, adding she and her husband plan to have one child. "If you don't want kids, no matter what the government throws at you, I don't think you really care."
The 2010 census showed Singaporeans are marrying later than a decade earlier. In the age group 30-34, a key time for career, 43 percent of men and 31 percent of women were not married.
For women in their 40s who were or had been married, those with only one child rose to 19 percent from 15 percent.
The issue is acute for the ethnic Chinese who make up 74 percent of Singapore's citizens and permanent residents, a majority that has ebbed from nearly 78 percent in 1990. Statistics show ethnic Chinese are having fewer babies than the Malay and Indian communities and are more likely to be single.
Officials have sought to balance the call for more children with a message that the country must remain open to immigration to provide the labour and expertise needed for future growth.
Not all are convinced, as many Internet posts show.
Gilbert Goh, who runs a support group, Transitioning, for the unemployed, decried "relentless messages sent out by the government to accept foreigners" because of the low birth rate.
"Besides seemingly solving the whole birth rate issue here for our government, foreigners also are brought in to solve a bigger issue for employers -- cheap hard-working labour," he wrote on his website.
Simmering anger over immigration is widely believed to have contributed to the People's Action Party's unexpected loss of seats in last year's parliamentary elections.
Saying it recognises concerns about jobs, living standards and social cohesion, the government has put tighter controls on the number of foreigners it lets in, particularly lower-skilled and lower-wage workers.
In July, it put out a paper for public input on ways to encourage Singaporeans to marry and have families as part of its review of population and immigration policy.
The paper -- "Our Population Our Future" -- set out a troubling scenario for an ageing society if birth trends persist, including a less vibrant economy, an exodus of major companies and a shrinking number of workers and consumers.
To encourage parenthood, the government gives out baby bonuses of up to S$4,000 for each of the first two children, rising to S$6,000 for the third and fourth. It also matches deposits made into a Child Development Account.
The Social Development Network, part of a government agency, offers free romantic advice by its "Dr Love" and oversees the activities of private dating agencies.
To reverse the trend, Lee said on Sunday, changes in social and workplace attitudes are needed, along with more support for families with housing and affordable, accessible childcare.
If women were having at least two children, that would mean a rise in the population. But at a fertility rate of 0.78, according to the CIA, the number of Singaporeans is waning.
The government has different data showing women, on average, giving birth to 1.2 babies in a lifetime -- down from 1.87 in 1990 and 1.42 in 2001 and far below the replacement rate.
The city-state is not alone. Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea also have very low fertility rates and many of the same cost, space and career pressures.
Among Southeast Asian neighbours, Thailand's fertility rate of 1.66 is below replacement but the populations are growing in Indonesia (2.23), Malaysia (2.64) and the Philippines (3.15).
Lee Kuan Yew, the country's founding leader and father of the current prime minister, warned in August that Singapore "will fold up" unless it reverses the drop in the birth rate.
"Do we want to replace ourselves or do we want to shrink and get older and be replaced by migrants and work permit holders?" said Lee, who launched the "Stop at two" campaign in 1966.
Some hope for a zodiac-linked baby boom that is borne out by government figures. Births rose in previous Dragon years in 1976, 1988 and 2000, but those were only minor spikes in a steady decline in Singapore's fertility rate from 3.07 in 1970.
The government is promising new measures to encourage births and help families but unless career and cost pressures change dramatically, there may be little effect.
"Can Singaporeans be persuaded to have more children?" was the survey question during a recent television panel discussion on the birth rate. Channel News Asia's telephone poll may not have been completely scientific, but the answer was clear -- a resounding 74 percent of respondents said "no". - Reuters
Thursday, August 30, 2012
AIPAC, or the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee, describes itself as the most
important organization affecting the U.S. relationship with Israel. With
a budget of $65 million, and membership now standing at over 100,000,
it is no wonder that congressional staffers consider it one of the most
powerful and effective lobbies on Capitol Hill.
This 100,000-strong group has been described as an agent of the Israeli government, and those accusations were substantiated in 2005 when a pentagon analyst plead guilty to passing military secrets to two AIPAC employees en route to Israel. After some political wrangling, all charges were dropped against the two Jewish AIPAC employees in 2009, even though the analyst agreed to testify against the AIPAC employees, and the government had overwhelming evidence to prosecute. It was reported by Time magazine that Jane Harman, a Jewish congresswoman, was bribed by AIPAC to lobby the Department of Justice to drop the spying charges against the AIPAC employees. In 2009, CQ politics reported that Harman was caught on a NSA wiretap telling an Israeli agent that she would lobby the Department of Justice to drop the case.
The Foreign Registration Act clearly states that any lobby that acts on behalf of a foreign government must register as a foreign agent. Even though AIPAC: has been caught spying for Israel, shamelessly campaigns to give American tax dollars to Israel for weapons that are used to kill Palestinian civilians, and lobbies for American soldiers to die in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran for Israel’s hegemony of the Middle East, it is still the only foreign lobby in Washington that does not have to register under the act. We must Abolish AIPAC NOW. If they wish to lobby, they too must be required to register as lobbyist for a foreign agent!
Through back room dealings, bribery, and corruption, AIPAC has secured Israel hundreds of billions of dollars in aid since the 1950′s. Some Americans are aware of the annual $3 billion in direct foreign aid to Israel, but very few Americans know about the tens of billions of dollars that are given every year under the table in terms of valuable military equipment deemed “scrapped,” loan guarantees, preferential contracts, and upfront payments that should be distributed over the course of a year. In the most recent affront to justice, AIPAC had US approve 1 BILLION for Israeli missile systems while US states go broke! Read Full Declaration...
Donate today to make a permanent memorial for the fallen and surviving sailors of the USS Liberty and to spread this petition on national media. Show our heroes that America never forgets those who defend our republic, donate today! less
This 100,000-strong group has been described as an agent of the Israeli government, and those accusations were substantiated in 2005 when a pentagon analyst plead guilty to passing military secrets to two AIPAC employees en route to Israel. After some political wrangling, all charges were dropped against the two Jewish AIPAC employees in 2009, even though the analyst agreed to testify against the AIPAC employees, and the government had overwhelming evidence to prosecute. It was reported by Time magazine that Jane Harman, a Jewish congresswoman, was bribed by AIPAC to lobby the Department of Justice to drop the spying charges against the AIPAC employees. In 2009, CQ politics reported that Harman was caught on a NSA wiretap telling an Israeli agent that she would lobby the Department of Justice to drop the case.
The Foreign Registration Act clearly states that any lobby that acts on behalf of a foreign government must register as a foreign agent. Even though AIPAC: has been caught spying for Israel, shamelessly campaigns to give American tax dollars to Israel for weapons that are used to kill Palestinian civilians, and lobbies for American soldiers to die in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran for Israel’s hegemony of the Middle East, it is still the only foreign lobby in Washington that does not have to register under the act. We must Abolish AIPAC NOW. If they wish to lobby, they too must be required to register as lobbyist for a foreign agent!
Through back room dealings, bribery, and corruption, AIPAC has secured Israel hundreds of billions of dollars in aid since the 1950′s. Some Americans are aware of the annual $3 billion in direct foreign aid to Israel, but very few Americans know about the tens of billions of dollars that are given every year under the table in terms of valuable military equipment deemed “scrapped,” loan guarantees, preferential contracts, and upfront payments that should be distributed over the course of a year. In the most recent affront to justice, AIPAC had US approve 1 BILLION for Israeli missile systems while US states go broke! Read Full Declaration...
Donate today to make a permanent memorial for the fallen and surviving sailors of the USS Liberty and to spread this petition on national media. Show our heroes that America never forgets those who defend our republic, donate today! less
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
RM100K to sleep with a celeb
Rumours of celebrities involvied in prostitution are not new to the entertainment industry in Hong Kong.
Over the past two years, there have been much talk that dozens of female celebrities were suspected of "selling themselves" for money. But there was no concrete evidence of their involvement.
Recently, another list of "celeb-hookers" was exposed.
Over the past two years, there have been much talk that dozens of female celebrities were suspected of "selling themselves" for money. But there was no concrete evidence of their involvement.
Recently, another list of "celeb-hookers" was exposed.
It is based on a series of text messages
between a pimp and a rich man from Hong Kong. However, no names were
mentioned in the article by Suddenly Weekly magazine.
Below are excerpts of messages. The names have been censored.
Below are excerpts of messages. The names have been censored.
Man: My friend like X and X, what about next Monday?
Pimp: OK. "Fast food"? A few days? In Hong Kong?
Man: My friend said he try one night first, what's the price? He prefers X.
Pimp: X said she is not free; X (another star) and X (an actor) are dating. He is keeping on eye on her, she can't come out.
Man: How is the arrangement? My friend is arriving in Hong Kong on Monday? Is X ok?Pimp: OK. "Fast food"? A few days? In Hong Kong?
Man: My friend said he try one night first, what's the price? He prefers X.
Pimp: X said she is not free; X (another star) and X (an actor) are dating. He is keeping on eye on her, she can't come out.
Pimp: I have told X, she will reply. Will inform you ASAP, thank you.
Man: If X is not free, is there other popular stars? How's the arrangement?
Pimp: Those currently free are TVB's long leg babe X and TVB's X, Breasts Goddess 36D X and playful big breasts Miss Hong Kong X. Which do you want? Will let you know the price.
Man: Ask X to go to Y hotel in Tung Lo Wan on June 10. Let you know the room number later. Give me the price immediately.
Pimp: She is not free on this date.
Later, the pimp managed to persuade the artiste to take the job for 200,000 yuan (RM99,264).
The pimp also told the man that the star was very experienced, and assured him that he would be very happy.
It was reported that the woman, who has a sexy body and is well known in both HK and China, is currently dating a popular actor from the TV circle.
However, worried that her boyfriend would find out about her sex trade, the woman pulled out off the deal at the last minute.
Another unidentified woman, in her 30s, was offered to replace the star but it was rejected. The rich man was refunded.
Another unidentified woman, in her 30s, was offered to replace the star but it was rejected. The rich man was refunded.
It has been speculated that the man who
contacted the pimp is very close to 2010 Miss Hong Kong participant
Suyen Cheung, 26, who was spotted in a Ferrari on June 12, last year,
enroute to a mansion.
However, the identity of the owner of the house was not revealed.
Source: Sudden Weekly, HK
However, the identity of the owner of the house was not revealed.
Source: Sudden Weekly, HK
Semen Makes Momen Happy
Gulp! Ladies, here's a bit of news that might "blow" you away! Oral
sex is not only good for your health but it also makes you feel happier,
according to a State University of New York study.
The Daily Mail quoted the study, saying semen elevates mood, ups affection, induces sleep and contains at least three anti-depressants. The researchers, who surveyed 293 women, claim that women who have regular unprotected sex are less depressed.
Semen contains spermatozoa, cortisol, which is known to increase affection, estrone and oxytocin which elevates mood. It also contains thyrotropin-releasing hormone (another antidepressant), melatonin (a sleep-inducing agent), and even serotonin (antidepressant neurotransmitter).
Also, women who engage in unsafe sex are less prone to depression. The research suggests it's not just about the sex, but how happy women are might be related to the amount of semen within their body.
Sexually active heterosexual women, including promiscuous women, who used condoms were just as depressed as those practicing total abstinence. This suggests it is semen, not just sex, that makes women happy.
But you can't have one without the other, right? Well, that's debatable.
The Daily Mail quoted the study, saying semen elevates mood, ups affection, induces sleep and contains at least three anti-depressants. The researchers, who surveyed 293 women, claim that women who have regular unprotected sex are less depressed.
Semen contains spermatozoa, cortisol, which is known to increase affection, estrone and oxytocin which elevates mood. It also contains thyrotropin-releasing hormone (another antidepressant), melatonin (a sleep-inducing agent), and even serotonin (antidepressant neurotransmitter).
Also, women who engage in unsafe sex are less prone to depression. The research suggests it's not just about the sex, but how happy women are might be related to the amount of semen within their body.
Sexually active heterosexual women, including promiscuous women, who used condoms were just as depressed as those practicing total abstinence. This suggests it is semen, not just sex, that makes women happy.
But you can't have one without the other, right? Well, that's debatable.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Persia VS Israhell
Iran has never attacked another country.
Israel has repeatedly attacked numerous countries, including the attack on the USS Liberty.
Iran has not illegally developed nuclear weapons.
Israel has developed an illegal secret nuclear weapons program that has produced hundreds of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons.
Iran has signed the UN Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Israel refuses to sign the NPT.
Iran's spies havent been caught stealing nuclear secrets from the US.
Israel's spies have been repeatedly caught, and Israel's current Prime Minister smuggled US nuclear triggers into Israel.
Iran hasn't sold US weapons and secret weapons technology to a US adversary.
Israel has been selling US weapons and secret weapons technology to China for decades.
Iran hasn't gotten thousands of US armed forces personnel killed and maimed in expensive wars for Iran.
Israel has repeatedly pushed the US to costly wars for Israel.
I could go on...but the point is this:
One who had not sworn an oath of peace could reasonably conclude that the US should be threatening to attack Israel, not Iran.
- Dave Evans Vancouver , Washington ( USA finest peace activist )
Israel has repeatedly attacked numerous countries, including the attack on the USS Liberty.
Iran has not illegally developed nuclear weapons.
Israel has developed an illegal secret nuclear weapons program that has produced hundreds of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons.
Iran has signed the UN Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Israel refuses to sign the NPT.
Iran's spies havent been caught stealing nuclear secrets from the US.
Israel's spies have been repeatedly caught, and Israel's current Prime Minister smuggled US nuclear triggers into Israel.
Iran hasn't sold US weapons and secret weapons technology to a US adversary.
Israel has been selling US weapons and secret weapons technology to China for decades.
Iran hasn't gotten thousands of US armed forces personnel killed and maimed in expensive wars for Iran.
Israel has repeatedly pushed the US to costly wars for Israel.
I could go on...but the point is this:
One who had not sworn an oath of peace could reasonably conclude that the US should be threatening to attack Israel, not Iran.
- Dave Evans Vancouver , Washington ( USA finest peace activist )
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Google's Philoshophy:Ten things we know to be true
Ten things we know to be true
We first wrote these “10 things” when Google was just a few years old. From time to
time we revisit this list to see if it still holds true. We hope it does—and you can
hold us to that.
Focus on the user and all else will follow.
Since the beginning, we’ve focused on providing the best user experience possible. Whether we’re designing a new Internet browser or a new tweak to the look of the homepage, we take great care to ensure that they will ultimately serve you, rather than our own internal goal or bottom line. Our homepage interface is clear and simple, and pages load instantly. Placement in search results is never sold to anyone, and advertising is not only clearly marked as such, it offers relevant content and is not distracting. And when we build new tools and applications, we believe they should work so well you don’t have to consider how they might have been designed differently.
It’s best to do one thing really, really well.
We do search. With one of the world’s largest research groups focused exclusively on solving search problems, we know what we do well, and how we could do it better. Through continued iteration on difficult problems, we’ve been able to solve complex issues and provide continuous improvements to a service that already makes finding information a fast and seamless experience for millions of people. Our dedication to improving search helps us apply what we’ve learned to new products, like Gmail and Google Maps. Our hope is to bring the power of search to previously unexplored areas, and to help people access and use even more of the ever-expanding information in their lives.
Fast is better than slow.
We know your time is valuable, so when you’re seeking an answer on the web you want it right away–and we aim to please. We may be the only people in the world who can say our goal is to have people leave our website as quickly as possible. By shaving excess bits and bytes from our pages and increasing the efficiency of our serving environment, we’ve broken our own speed records many times over, so that the average response time on a search result is a fraction of a second. We keep speed in mind with each new product we release, whether it’s a mobile application or Google Chrome, a browser designed to be fast enough for the modern web. And we continue to work on making it all go even faster.
Democracy on the web works.
Google search works because it relies on the millions of individuals posting links on websites to help determine which other sites offer content of value. We assess the importance of every web page using more than 200 signals and a variety of techniques, including our patented PageRank™ algorithm, which analyzes which sites have been “voted” to be the best sources of information by other pages across the web. As the web gets bigger, this approach actually improves, as each new site is another point of information and another vote to be counted. In the same vein, we are active in open source software development, where innovation takes place through the collective effort of many programmers.
You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer.
The world is increasingly mobile: people want access to information wherever they are, whenever they need it. We’re pioneering new technologies and offering new solutions for mobile services that help people all over the globe to do any number of tasks on their phone, from checking email and calendar events to watching videos, not to mention the several different ways to access Google search on a phone. In addition, we’re hoping to fuel greater innovation for mobile users everywhere with Android, a free, open source mobile platform. Android brings the openness that shaped the Internet to the mobile world. Not only does Android benefit consumers, who have more choice and innovative new mobile experiences, but it opens up revenue opportunities for carriers, manufacturers and developers.
You can make money without doing evil.
Google is a business. The revenue we generate is derived from offering search technology to companies and from the sale of advertising displayed on our site and on other sites across the web. Hundreds of thousands of advertisers worldwide use AdWords to promote their products; hundreds of thousands of publishers take advantage of our AdSense program to deliver ads relevant to their site content. To ensure that we’re ultimately serving all our users (whether they are advertisers or not), we have a set of guiding principles for our advertising programs and practices:
We don’t allow ads to be displayed on our results pages unless they are
relevant where they are shown. And we firmly believe that ads can provide
useful information if, and only if, they are relevant to what you wish to
find–so it’s possible that certain searches won’t lead to any ads at all.
We believe that advertising can be effective without being flashy. We don’t
accept pop–up advertising, which interferes with your ability to see the
content you’ve requested. We’ve found that text ads that are relevant to the
person reading them draw much higher clickthrough rates than ads appearing
randomly. Any advertiser, whether small or large, can take advantage of this
highly targeted medium.
Advertising on Google is always clearly identified as a “Sponsored Link,” so
it does not compromise the integrity of our search results. We never
manipulate rankings to put our partners higher in our search results and no
one can buy better PageRank. Our users trust our objectivity and no
short-term gain could ever justify breaching that trust.
We don’t allow ads to be displayed on our results pages unless they are
relevant where they are shown. And we firmly believe that ads can provide
useful information if, and only if, they are relevant to what you wish to
find–so it’s possible that certain searches won’t lead to any ads at all.
There’s always more information out there.
Once we’d indexed more of the HTML pages on the Internet than any other search service, our engineers turned their attention to information that was not as readily accessible. Sometimes it was just a matter of integrating new databases into search, such as adding a phone number and address lookup and a business directory. Other efforts required a bit more creativity, like adding the ability to search news archives, patents, academic journals, billions of images and millions of books. And our researchers continue looking into ways to bring all the world’s information to people seeking answers.
The need for information crosses all borders.
Our company was founded in California, but our mission is to facilitate access to information for the entire world, and in every language. To that end, we have offices in more than 60 countries, maintain more than 180 Internet domains, and serve more than half of our results to people living outside the United States. We offer Google’s search interface in more than 130 languages, offer people the ability to restrict results to content written in their own language, and aim to provide the rest of our applications and products in as many languages and accessible formats as possible. Using our translation tools, people can discover content written on the other side of the world in languages they don’t speak. With these tools and the help of volunteer translators, we have been able to greatly improve both the variety and quality of services we can offer in even the most far–flung corners of the globe.
You can be serious without a suit.
Our founders built Google around the idea that work should be challenging, and the challenge should be fun. We believe that great, creative things are more likely to happen with the right company culture–and that doesn’t just mean lava lamps and rubber balls. There is an emphasis on team achievements and pride in individual accomplishments that contribute to our overall success. We put great stock in our employees–energetic, passionate people from diverse backgrounds with creative approaches to work, play and life. Our atmosphere may be casual, but as new ideas emerge in a cafĂ© line, at a team meeting or at the gym, they are traded, tested and put into practice with dizzying speed–and they may be the launch pad for a new project destined for worldwide use.
Great just isn’t good enough.
We see being great at something as a starting point, not an endpoint. We set ourselves goals we know we can’t reach yet, because we know that by stretching to meet them we can get further than we expected. Through innovation and iteration, we aim to take things that work well and improve upon them in unexpected ways. For example, when one of our engineers saw that search worked well for properly spelled words, he wondered about how it handled typos. That led him to create an intuitive and more helpful spell checker.
Even if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, finding an answer on the web is our problem, not yours. We try to anticipate needs not yet articulated by our global audience, and meet them with products and services that set new standards. When we launched Gmail, it had more storage space than any email service available. In retrospect offering that seems obvious–but that’s because now we have new standards for email storage. Those are the kinds of changes we seek to make, and we’re always looking for new places where we can make a difference. Ultimately, our constant dissatisfaction with the way things are becomes the driving force behind everything we do.
PS:Best Model to my company too ! :)
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